Gender Roles






The Dominion might be a controlling, militarised dictatorship, but it is an egalitarian one and the idea that one sex is superior to another is not generally part of the social paradigm.  Were an individual to hold such a view it would likely be considered somewhere along the continuum of:  Eccentricity -> Odious Personal Habit -> Mental Illness.  Precisely where on the continuum would likely depend on the individual’s social class and the degree to which those beliefs translated to actions.  There is a lot more social homogeneity with regard to feminine and masculine roles, with a pragmatic acknowledgment that there are biological differences between the sexes.  For example (noting that the Dominion generally has a high level of social pressure that people work and contribute somehow):

  • Women have to have time off to carry and give birth to children (TL 9 allows for children to be transplanted to artificial wombs if needed, but that’s not generally considered an efficient use of resources when a live womb will do the job just fine);
    • Regarding child rearing, it’s as common for fathers to help raise their children as mothers, but it’s more likely the kid will go into a state-run crèche for 7 Cycles out of 10 and the parents will go back to work.  
  • there are a small number of jobs (mostly in the lower-tech common habitats) where males’ generally higher strength and endurance is an advantage and these tend to have higher proportions of males
  • there are a small number of jobs where females’ generally lower life-support requirements and adaptability to long-term close social conditions is an advantage and these tend to have higher proportions of females


Gender distribution in the Legion is roughly 58% male 42% female (the differential likely being due to something about boys being attracted to guns…).  But there are variations within areas of the Legion, for example:  At the Officer level it’s roughly 50%-50%, Naval spacecraft crews have higher-than-average proportions of women (particularly among long-range patrol craft), and so on.


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