Hummin’ in the Deluge


Set in kCy 133 on Jensen, Hummin in the Deluge is a historically questionable humourous musical take on the re-integration of Jensen into the Dominion after the Enclaver Hiatus.  



Hout Vergrendelen is an Enclaver leader on Jensen  with a progressive stance toward re-integration with the Dominion (I Just Want What’s Best).  He barely tolerates his vain, cunning, conniving, and shallow fellow leader Broek Deberg-Hagen, who is opposed to re-integration (Debate).  Broek, on the other hand, is convinced they are in love, despite Hout’s insistence otherwise. 


An Overlord’s Envoy, Deborah Selden-Reynard, is sent to Jensen to persuade the colony to return peacefully to Dominion rule (Back Where You Belong)


Hout consults with his friend Kas Bruin (Faith or Fortune) before meeting with Deborah before the formal diplomatic talks (A Game of Chak).  At the talks, Deborah and Hout are at ease with each other and are progressing smoothly through negotiations.  However, Deborah accidentally insults Broek who storms out of the talks, taking her faction with her (Negotiations/Split)

Another leadership figure, Reuben Flores-Millard, brokers a peace between Hout and Broek to present a united front to the Envoy (Conditional Compromise)


After the discussion, Broek laments what seems her lost love (If not Me then No-one!).  Unfortunately Broek’s scheming turns the resumption of talks into a debacle (This is Not Going to Plan!).  After the talks, Envoy Deborah comes to speak with Hout in the famous Jensen Rain Caves.  She wants a peaceful reintegration, lest the Dominion decide to negotiate using the Legion rather than an Envoy.  She uses the setting as a metaphor for the Enclavers’ behaviour in the face of a potential military invasion (Hummin’ in The Deluge)


At the resumption of talks Broek tries more tricks, but Kas and Reuben reveal her deceptions.  Unmasked, she flees the talks and an agreement is reached between the parties (Prosperity! Protection! Reintegration!) At the epilogue, Hout and Deborah express their growing romantic feelings for each other (A Game of Chak/Hummin’ in the Deluge – reprise) 


Argyle’s Review

Obvious propaganda, but set to some great music.


Hummin’ in The Deluge – Song Lyrics



The Rain Caves here on Jensen are the source of all the life
A little bio-enclave on a planet made of ice
The water from the overhead is pure as it is rife 
The metaphor is clear
You are Hummin’ in The Deluge
You are Hummin’ in The Deluge
You are Hummin’ in The Deluge
You’ll be wet through and through
You ran from the Dominion ‘cause you thought we were no good
“Enclavers stand alone” you said, and on your own you stood
But space is big and lonely and in common cause we should
Reintegrate again


You are Hummin’ in The Deluge
You are Hummin’ in The Deluge
You are Hummin’ in The Deluge
It’s lonely in the rain


I think that the Dominion is a team we could rejoin
The benefits are many and it’s harder on our own
But not all we Enclavers care to bow down to your throne
We’d need a better deal
We are Hummin’ in The Deluge
We are Hummin’ in The Deluge
We are Hummin’ in The Deluge
But we know how to swim


I’m here from the Dominion with an offer to return
A peaceful reuniting of our prodigal concern
Come back to the fold with us united and in turn
I’ll make sure it goes well
You are Hummin’ in The Deluge
You are Hummin’ in The Deluge
You are Hummin’ in The Deluge
We’ll keep the waters calm


I’m not sure I can trust you and the Overlord as well
The reason that we left was that you treated us like hell
To go upon your word alone is something hard to sell
To all my Enclavers
We are Hummin’ in The Deluge
We are Hummin’ in The Deluge
We are Hummin’ in The Deluge
We like the rains we know


You need to understand I am an Envoy come in peace
Accept my offer gracefully, negotiate your needs
For if you turn me down the Legion option may proceed
To be the strategy
You are Hummin’ in The Deluge
You are Hummin’ in The Deluge
You are Hummin’ in The Deluge
The flood is at the door


I don’t appreciate the threat when I am really on your side
It’s not a threat, I’m warning you, the option’s been described


Negotiate a deal before [you/we] put at risk the lives
Of all the Enclavers 
You/We are Hummin’ in The Deluge
You/We are Hummin’ in The Deluge
You/We are Hummin’ in The Deluge
The rain could be of blood


The politicians here have gone and filled these caves with strife
Deceitful and reactionary they’re playing with the lives
Of all of their constituents and Jensen’s way of life
We need to work it out
You/We are Hummin’ in The Deluge
You/We are Hummin’ in The Deluge
You/We are Hummin’ in The Deluge
Let’s still the waters now