

The first act of Crazy is that of a heist film.  A trio of con-artists pull off a complicated job that nets them a valuable McGuffin.  Pursued by a Legion Commissar Operative, they then journey to a remote locale to lie low in the expectation they will meet their buyer.  The buyer messages that they have been delayed so the trio hide out, staying in a remote hotel run by a reclusive concierge. 

Act two consists of the violently insane concierge hunting down and gruesomely murdering the trio of con artists in a subversion  of a number of classic horror tropes.  Disposing of the bodies he unknowingly hides the McGuffin with them.

 In Act three, the buyer arrives and tries to locate the McGuffin.  The buyer and the concierge arouse each other’s suspicions, the buyer trying to find the McGuffin and the trio, and the concierge trying to prevent that.  The film climaxing near the body disposal site.  The ending is ambiguous, with the Legion Commissar Operative arriving at the site but it is unclear what the Operative discovers, who has survived, or whether the McGuffin is still there.   


Argyle’s Review

Crazy received a number of bad reviews dues to the ambiguity of the ending – some people just need certainty in their lives.  However, I really like it, whatever you think about the ending, the acting is great and the cinematography understatedly brilliant.  The scene at the end of the first act where the assumed protagonist is unexpectedly murdered is a gem of writing and production.