Warning and Emergency Lights

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  6. Warning and Emergency Lights






Emergency or warning colours in the Dominion use a matrix of Operator and Function to determine their colour.  Note, an exception is the Overlord’s Household, which does not adhere to the functional dimension.


Operator Colours



Vizierate/ Wardens




Function Colours




Emergency/ Warning





In practice, this mostly means yield to vehicles showing any of the coloured lights and amber lights are a warning.



These basic colour assignments give rise to the following combinations:





Emergency/ Warning



Ambulances operated by Private Clinics or RSHP’s mount green-only warning lights.

In the rare instances where private security are authorised to operate a priority vehicle, they mount a white light. To aid in visibility a white and amber light pair is usual.

Any privately operated vehicle mounting a warning light, eg Construction Equipment, Private Taxis etc. will mount amber-only warning lights.


Legion vehicles of the Commissariat (ie Military police) mount red-only lights.  Red-only may also be used by senior Legionnaires and Commissariat under certain other circumstances. 

Legion medical vehicles, whether intended for Legion-only or public use, mount red and green lights.

Red and white lights are mounted by, and restricted to, Legion Public Safety vehicles.

Legion vehicles that are not designated as medical, public safety or commissariat mount red and amber lights.  For example, a firefighting vehicle operated by the Legion or a Legion Customs vehicle. 


In certain circumstances a Bureaucracy vehicle may mount blue lights only.  The most common example would be vehicles in the Secretariat pool.  

Ambulances operated by the Health Bureau (or any other Bureau, such as the Administration Bureau at smaller facilities) will mount blue and green lights.

The limited enforcement functions of a Bureau will be carried out by a vehicle mounting blue and white lights.  For example if the Allocations Bureau shows up to evict someone from a dwelling, a Bureaucrat in a vehicle with blue and white lights will supervise the Legion PSOs removing the occupants.    

Most Bureaucracy vehicles mount Blue and Amber lights, if they mount them at all.  Examples include firefighting vehicles operated by the Administration Bureau, Communications Bureau maintenance trucks and Education Bureau school buses. 

Vizierate/ Wardenate

Vizierate vehicles not engaged in an emergency or warning function may mount an amethyst-only light, but most add the amber light to clearly differentiate them from Wardenate vehicles.  

There are a handful of medical vehicles operated by the Vizierate or Wardenate.  These amethyst and  green lit vehicles are usually only seen around Purpleton on Zargonia. 

All Wardenate vehicles, other than medical vehicles, mount amethyst and white lights.    

The Vizierate puts considerable reliance on on the Bureaucracy for vehicular support, but if they do operate vehicles needing warning lights, they  usually mount amethyst and amber. 


Overlord’s Household

Household vehicles mount either green and orange lights irrespective of purpose…

… or a combination of red, blue and amethyst lights.

In some circumstances, where the Overlord is acting in capacity as a Legion Ceremonial Rank, vehicles with red-only lights may be used.