H-509: Cap Isle, Victory Hotel, Private Anteroom
After a few Moments (3-5 minutes) Raina pokes her head around the door. “Well?”
The RPG of Dominion Space…
After a few Moments (3-5 minutes) Raina pokes her head around the door. “Well?”
The private room itself is carpeted – quiet in there, but out here in the anteroom, Lia’s boots are clicking on the hard flooring. How long is she likely to pace up and down...
“You are free to leave if you wish, but aren’t you curious why I asked you here like this?”
Raina waits briefly to see if Lia (I think it’s Lia at this point, not Winta?) will respond before continuing, “It’s a genuine question, not a rhetorical one; it’s important we have a shared...
Raina nods slowly in understanding and acceptance of the crossed arms and the glare. “Cinna asked you to come here tonight to engage your services in your other professional capacity, didn’t she?”
The inner doors open for her and she is in a short L-shaped corridor. Assuming she proceeds and turns the corner, the corridor opens out onto the private room proper. It is warmly lit,...
Cinna looks down to Lia’s touch, then back up to her face; studies her for several long seconds, her face a mask but conflict behind her eyes. “Go through,” she whispers, and leaves through...
Cinna is not happy and her usual reserve is dialled up high. She gestures again to the inner doors, takes a couple of steps toward Lia and turns, inviting Lia past her.
If you wish, you may roll Body Language, but Lia’s Empathy does indeed suggest something is not quite right – Cinna is not being fully open with Lia.
The doors to the anteroom swing open as Lia approaches. Cinna watches Lia as she sways up to her, gestures toward the doors behind her. “It’s good to see you. I booked the room...