Category: Module 17: Pact


H-249: Little Isle Manor House

First grey jacket introduces himself as Ferris. Lia notes that Ferris is armed – a small weapon tucked away inside his waistband. He nods appreciation at her thanks. The aerostat park is concealed behind...


H-248: Little Isle Manor House

The estate is considerably smaller than her aunt and uncle’s spidon ranch, but a lot bigger than her parents’ home (I always imagined them living in big penthouse or similar; but, your backstory.  If...


H-247: Captree, Little Isle

Raina’s Party Transport  The commercial hybridyne from Cap Isle to Little Isle spends more time on the ground loading, unloading and taxiing than it does in the air. Little Isle has a composite transit...


H-246: Captree Mainworld

Law Offices of Zevon, Croolsee, Brownej and Raina Perhaps Lia could be William Shatner?      Raina’s Party Fashion So, a subtle and under-stated look.        RSVP Noted.      Transport  An overnight bag...


H-245: Captree Mainworld

Law Offices of Zevon, Croolsee, Brownej and Raina Did you ever watch Boston Legal?  If not I recommend the experience.       Raina’s Party Shopping Clothes can be shopped.  Lia’s Fashion Sense bonus will...


H-244: Captree Mainworld

Law Offices of Zevon, Croolsee, Brownej and Raina She can indeed get to know people.  In fact, we may abandon the campaign and run a spin-off show set in the law office…    Does...


H-243: Captree Mainworld

Metagame   Sorry for the delay, it’s actually been a bit of a big week for the doing of stuff.      The Next Thing Lia’s in a position where a lot of her activity...