Category: Module 17: Pact


H-259: Little Isle Manor House, Pool

As she approaches Lia notes a couple of discreet and fit-looking ‘partygoers’ standing at the edge of the crowd who appear to be surveying goings on rather than participating, one of which she recognises from...


H-257: Little Isle Manor House

The porter leads the couple through the boot room and along the path – presumably towards the guest house.   The black-clad nervy woman gets through the doors and darts off to one side, reaching...


H-256: Little Isle Manor House, Atrium

A small parade of people are heading toward Lia near the corridor exit:  The luggage porter with the couple’s luggage, the couple themselves – they acknowledge Lia with their eyes but seem more intent...


H-253: Little Isle Manor House

Apart from a single non-descript door off one side, the corridor toward the open space is featureless, though feels more ‘uncluttered’ than ‘bare’ due to the lighting and decor. At its end, the corridor...


H-252: Little Isle Manor House

She can do those things. At the foot of the stairs are more guest rooms on the level below hers, numbers 1 to 9.  These are sans balconies with doors that open directly to...