H-269: Little Isle Manor House, Pool
It’s really up to you; if any of those people are of interest or potential utility to Lia (either Future Lia or Flashback Lia) she can engage with them, and we can cover the...
The RPG of Dominion Space…
It’s really up to you; if any of those people are of interest or potential utility to Lia (either Future Lia or Flashback Lia) she can engage with them, and we can cover the...
He gives her a little smile, holds out his hand for her to help stand if she wishes. He gives Lia a quick rundown on some of the notable people present, which includes: A...
“The statue down the way? I think that was a gift. It’s unusual isn’t it? “Most people do look forward to her parties, yes. Though they can be as much work as play –...
He smiles warmly at her response. “I’ve been to parties here a few times – Raina doesn’t throw them that often – and on a few other occasions.” He looks around at the pool,...
“I agree. If you don’t have options, what’s the real value of life?”
“Good, I like to think our partnership offices are a welcoming place. We’re often dealing with people who are stressed when they come in so I think it helps us help them best if...
Sorry, forgot to add that; yes, he did indeed take her hand. Lia has a sense that behind his sunnies he might be taking the opportunity to evaluate the anatomy currently occupying the available...
“Mer, I’m Clyde. “Raina mentioned she had a new consultant, I’ve assumed that’s you.” He continues to stand, looking down at her, sunglasses hiding his eyes, a glass of wine in hand.
A grey jacket will appear near her very soon after she has entered the pool area and an appropriately bumbershooted cocktail can be obtained; the grey-jacket’s name is Lane. Given Lia’s beauty and charisma,...
A lounger can be claimed. To your text – sunglasses seem appropriate and can certainly be part of her wardrobe. What sort of vibe is she projecting? Might she be welcoming of conversation?