H-279: Little Isle Manor House
As she enters a few people are chatting and holding drinks near the water feature statue. Most activity inside seems to be in the function room, though there’s movement in the Atrium at the...
The RPG of Dominion Space…
As she enters a few people are chatting and holding drinks near the water feature statue. Most activity inside seems to be in the function room, though there’s movement in the Atrium at the...
Brady It turns out that Clyde doesn’t need to rescue her – a grey jacket appears and asks Brady to come up to the house and meet Mer Raina. Metagame Whence would you...
Clyde Clyde looks thoughtful at her comment, and I think it might be about now that the Brady conversation starts. Brady Clyde exchanges her look in return, though his expression is neutral,...
Clyde “One causes the other, so I just play for sympathetic ears without regard to a wider audience. “You said you’ve not played in some time?” Brady “No, I just got an...
Clyde “Well, I assume you’re familiar with the publishing laws, no more than 49 copies of a document without a publishing license. Well, for legal purposes a musical composition is a document, which means...
Clyde seems to approve of her music tastes, in addition he doesn’t seem to mind when the music gets a bit harder and louder. He notes that his songs are mostly for his personal...
Music Clyde plays a few different stringed instruments – basically the Dominion’s versions of 6- and 12-string guitars, and he sings. He also likes to write songs, but mostly for his own enjoyment. He...
Music Clyde seems excited, “I’m sure Raina has a piano around here somewhere.” If she’s interested, he will talk music with her – both technical and her tastes until the sportsing Mer interrupts a...
Music “Oh, do you play? Sing?” Sportsing He apparently knows Clyde, looks at Lia, “Mer Brownej, Mer… ?”
Clyde pulls up a stool to sit on while they chat. He asks about her interests, notes in sharing that in addition to running the law partnership, specialising in criminal law and dispute advocacy...