H-299: Little Isle Manor House, Function Room
Noting the Noters Cinna was just observing with quiet interest, sipping her drink, but she definitely noted the interaction; if she had any strong reaction to what she saw she concealed it. ...
The RPG of Dominion Space…
Noting the Noters Cinna was just observing with quiet interest, sipping her drink, but she definitely noted the interaction; if she had any strong reaction to what she saw she concealed it. ...
Noting the Noters She can note a few faces; Cinna’s was among them. Buffet “I can neither confirm nor deny, nor do I wish to elaborate on the likelihood of a change of...
Lia will note that a few people – not many – around the room observed that interaction and seem to be appraising her with various degrees of subtlety. Clyde and Raina were talking a...
It’s difficult to get nuance from Raina re her response – she gives almost nothing away, but Lia has a sense she enjoyed that interaction. Or was at least aroused by it. Raina goes...
Lia does not get the sense that that hand on the arm was intended to intimidate, only to emphasise. Raina doesn’t respond verbally, but gives Lia a firm nod; the smile is in her...
Raina stops, turns toward Lia and gives her her full attention, putting the hand back on her arm. “I am busy; being hostess places certain demands and, in full candour, that is partly why...
Lia detects a hint of a pleased reaction at the news she’s staying over. Good naturedly, “You don’t have to perform in front of others if you don’t want to; I wasn’t intending to...
“Coincidental. However…” She turns, eyes searching the room, beckons toward her target. Clyde spots her gesture, a fork-full of food half-way to his mouth, approaches. “Mer Brownej,” Raina says. “Mer Raina,” he responds. “Are...
It takes her a few seconds. “Oh, the shape! The straight side is for laps and the curves for sitting.” She looks at Lia, seems genuinely curious, “why do you like the piano shape?”...
Aside Hey, I’m not tall for a guy – it’s an exciting moment for me when I’m the tallest person in the lift. Function Room As a bookend to the unguarded moment, Lia’s...