H-429: Little Isle Manor House
When the boat returns to the Manor House, most people seem tired, several are still hung over and many are tipsy to intoxicated having imbibed further on the boat. Raina seems to have business...
The RPG of Dominion Space…
When the boat returns to the Manor House, most people seem tired, several are still hung over and many are tipsy to intoxicated having imbibed further on the boat. Raina seems to have business...
Raina invited Lia to stay another cycle, so after the boat trip, Lia doesn’t gave to pack up and leave – unless she wants to. Is she going to stay?
Cinna Cinna gives a dry laugh, an amused eyebrow and a thoughtful look at Lia… and she doesn’t comment further. Raina Lia can constrain her curiosity and respects Raina’s privacy. Metagame At...
Guide Turns out, as it’s Lia, no one minds. Cinna “Illuminating, how so?” Raina Hmmm… make a Curiosity control roll for me please.
The guide is happy to answer Lia’s questions, and seems appreciative to have found someone with a genuine interest. They do mention that one of the other big differences between Felline and Captree is...
I don’t know how much detail you’d like to go into with all those activities? Generic swimwear/dive gear in a grey-white-yellow abstract pattern that is the same for everyone is provided for the water...
The boat sails up the Little Isle coast and beyond to a huge floating framework in the water – a scaffold for net walls going all the way to the bottom. This is an...
Raina seems pleased and amused allows the comment to trail off. “The bath, eh?” It doesn’t require a response unless Lia wishes to give one. If Lia is quiet, Raina will stay a little...
Raina enjoyed that bump. “I don’t mind; enjoying seeing it repurposed.” She smiles at Lia’s bling reference, takes the opportunity to look at her and they in the dim ruddy light, gold figurines glinting. ...
You may roll Body Language if you wish. Raina turns and appraises Lia. “Swimwear will be provided.” Her eyes stray to Lia’s waist, “I haven’t seen that scarf for a while.”