F-273-Lia: Secretariat Building, Private Dining Room
He seems curious, neither offended nor flattered – but he may be hiding that. “How do you imagine that would differ from what we are doing now?”
The RPG of Dominion Space…
He seems curious, neither offended nor flattered – but he may be hiding that. “How do you imagine that would differ from what we are doing now?”
“How do you imagine that would be, and why did you express disappointment?”
When Lia says she will take nothing, he gives a little nod of acquiescence; he seems pleased. When she says she is disappointed, he gives her a curious look, “You just rejected that option,...
“I am tied here to Mundo Zargo for the duration of my current project, yes.” He sips at his coffee. “So what will you decide?”
He twinkles his eyes at her, and carefully attacks a berry on his spoon.
“By inference, I would have an undischarged obligation. Which might be worth nothing to you or a great deal. “Such is the risk of life. “Alternately we might simply choose to assist each other,...
“It is more what you might have in mind, I think. “Should you wish me to compensate you at your standard commercial rate, I will do that and there will be no further obligation...
“I offered you payment for your services, if you wished.”
“Noted. Thank you.” He spoons some fruit onto his maize lamellas and proceeds to eat the fruit one at a time. “Do you wish to talk business?”
Lia notes Farbello nodding almost imperceptibly as she speaks. He spends a little time processing, then, “and what about the other candidate, Local Overcrat Preston-Lischost, were you able to get a read on him?” ...