Category: Lia
F-292-Lia: Secretariat Building, Private Dining Room
Body Language While covering it extremely well, Lia has a sense he’s slightly uneasy, probably for the first time since she’s met him. Private Dining Room His eyes follow her finger, then he...
F-291-Lia: Secretariat Building, Private Dining Room
Starring Lia! This is what I can remember, though I may have missed some? Private Dining Room Farbello’s eyes are twinkling. If you wish, you may roll Body Language. “It’s very kind of...
F-290-Lia: Secretariat Building, Private Dining Room
LOL star Farbello’s mouth actually twitches at the corners. He takes a second – perhaps to compose his internal monologue. He pastes a sceptical look on his face, “really? And are your ball-handling skills...
F-288-Lia: Secretariat Building, Private Dining
It’s possible I’ve mostly talked about Enclavers in Oliver’s thread… Enclavers General knowledge of the Enclavers is that they are religious group associated with the moon Jensen in Octant 8. The name comes from...
F-287-Lia: Secretariat Building, Private Dining
Farbello is quiet a while longer. “The Enclavers believe in sin and retribution in the next life; I could believe you’re seeking to tempt me.”
F-286-Lia: Secretariat Building, Private Dining
It is a relaxed silence. Farbello samples his coffee, and some of his fruit. “Fun, you said.” The intonation is not phrased as a question; perhaps it’s an invitation to elaborate.
F-285-Lia: Secretariat Building, Private Dining Room
Here’s Sarba now with the coffees – Lia’s and Farbello’s refill. They can both take the opportunity to sip and reflect. Will Lia break the silence first?
F-284-Lia: Secretariat Building, Private Dining Room
“Professionally, I only wish to be predictable where it is useful for people to know how I am likely to respond. So yes, being inscrutable is part of the job.” He gestures to indicate...