F-313-Lia: Farbello’s Aerostat
Vibe The vibe would be, it might not have been his preference, but he’s completely OK with her choice. Aerostat He seems fine with her choice of seating. He remains quiet for a...
The RPG of Dominion Space…
Vibe The vibe would be, it might not have been his preference, but he’s completely OK with her choice. Aerostat He seems fine with her choice of seating. He remains quiet for a...
Aerostat Farbello’s aerostat is a large luxury model. There’s a separate driver’s cabin to the passenger area and no visibility between the two areas. Where some vehicles might have a window, between the shared...
“As you wish.” He leans back in his seat, stares out the window for several seconds. Lia may respond if she wishes. Whether she does or doesn’t he will at some point say, “If you...
In response to her comment about multiple metaphors he simply twinkles his eyes at her. Rather formally he says, “I am satisfied with your published boundaries as stated.” He doesn’t seem concerned about the...
Farbello briefly checks the aerostat’s status console before continuing. “I work in politics; I’m not interested in fantasy scenarios. “Let’s say I’d like the closest reality you’re prepared to show me while we instantiate...
Can you elaborate/clarify/refresh what is on the NetPage to which Lia is referring?
OK. There is no outer airlock for this dock – hence the respirators. The outer doors have windows in them at regular intervals and from the outside the dock probably looks just like any...
Metagame From Texts (edited) In how much detail do you want to do the next bit? That’s an excellent question. I know the site has an adult listing but we may enter straight...
He stands, adjusting himself beneath his robe as he does so. He doesn’t respond but nods to her – an unspoken query that she’s ready to depart. Assuming she is he will lead her...
“I was going to ask if you wished to reconsider, renegotiate your choice. “It seems you do span multiple simultaneous realities.” He will wait if she wishes to linger, but he’s ready to go. ...