Category: Lia


F-312-Lia: Farbello’s Aerostat

Aerostat Farbello’s aerostat is a large luxury model. There’s a separate driver’s cabin to the passenger area and no visibility between the two areas.  Where some vehicles might have a window, between the shared...


F-310-Lia: Farbello’s Aerostat

In response to her comment about multiple metaphors he simply twinkles his eyes at her. Rather formally he says, “I am satisfied with your published boundaries as stated.” He doesn’t seem concerned about the...


F-309-Lia: Farbello’s Aerostat

Farbello briefly checks the aerostat’s status console before continuing. “I work in politics; I’m not interested in fantasy scenarios. “Let’s say I’d like the closest reality you’re prepared to show me while we instantiate...