F-323-Lia: The Elephant Suite
“True; nor you mine.” He takes in her silhouette. “Excuse me a few moments.” He disappears into the main bathroom.
The RPG of Dominion Space…
“True; nor you mine.” He takes in her silhouette. “Excuse me a few moments.” He disappears into the main bathroom.
“Good. “Though I’m not convinced that relationships, any relationship, can be so easily compartmentalised.”
“I didn’t express, or at least intend to express, a preference; I left the decision entirely to you.”
“Only that you asked about duration, and I was expressing that you should not expect miracles.”
Other People A Vizant and someone wearing the tan-coloured clothes of a Vizierate contractor, going about whatever their business is. Missed It Also, I didn’t see your second comment on F-313-Lia before responding. ...
The Warden scans her in and, to the extent it’s possible to do with with Lia, instantly forgets her. Farbello leads her to the elevator and they go down a few floors. He leads...
“Businesslike and appropriately mysterious will suffice.” Warning lights change outside the vehicle and the doors hiss open. The Vizant and the Warden are waiting outside. In the bay, fans are still running creating noise...
“No, I don’t, and if anyone says I did I’ll deny it.” The aerostat comes in for a gentle touch down on the landing pad. The pilot’s voice fills the cabin, “Restoring G, please...
He says dryly, “The current ViC believes we should maintain the profile of the Vizierate in people’s consciousness. The lights have been on ever since she took over.” He shifts his gaze from the...
Aerostat Did she change seats or did you change your mind? He seems to be briefly focussed on his work, but he quickly comes back to be present with her. “I had other plans...