F-333-Lia: The Elephant Suite
He slides his hands down her arms, taking in the texture of her skin, before cupping her waist. She can feel the hair on his chest, and his boniness beneath it; rail thin, there’s...
The RPG of Dominion Space…
He slides his hands down her arms, taking in the texture of her skin, before cupping her waist. She can feel the hair on his chest, and his boniness beneath it; rail thin, there’s...
His expression might best be described as ‘accepting the invitation’. He seems to be waiting to see what she will do next.
Height Difference Oops! I messed up, I didn’t notice under his robe but Farbello had fallen through the ground in the previous image. Farbello is 191 cm tall. The camera is positioned exactly half...
Height Difference Lia is wearing flats here. The Elephant Suite Farbello places a hand on her shoulder.
Farbello removes his attention from the painting to return it to Lia, with a facial expression that could almost translate as yes, we’re here for a reason other than the artwork. “Heat at the...
It’s an actual painting – a fairly rare thing in the Dominion. The materials would be somewhat different, but it’s like an oil painting. There are imperfections, brush strokes, an uneven surface where paint...
Farbello has moved over to stand next to Lia while they observe the paining together. He smells faintly of soap. His eyes take on a wry cast as he responds, “I expect there may...
“The Forerunners must have lived in a time with greater biodiversity than we do. I believe those mythical animals, or something very much like them, really existed. They persist through our culture; in our...
“I believe the representations of mythical animals give us a window into the time of the Forerunners.”
She will have time to explore the whole suite. Let me know if you’d like a detailed description of anything in particular. Farbello emerges from the bathroom having apparently quickly showered, his thin, still-damp...