The betters around the Paradise table are mostly younger types, with a sprinkling of spacers of various ages. This is mostly a silver-class establishment, but there are a few coppers around the table as...
I assume a professional escort would at least have seen both being played, if not played herself.Paradise is played with three (six-sided) dice, the croupier rolls, players bet on which combinations will appear.Craps is...
They’re playing doubles Sim Sportsball against a man and a woman and have drawn some casual onlookers.Ipan tags after Lia as she makes her way to the dice tables. She has a choice of...
The Dominion’s equivalent of a Gin and Tonic is bought and brought. Ipan watches the crowd, his attention occasionally drifting back to the Chak tables.Would Lia like to do anything else?
Ipan picks up his chips, “thanks, I, uh, think I’ll buy myself a drink.”She shrugs, and tosses a chip in to ante for the next game. Ipan’s seat is quickly filled with another player.Heading...