Fromm blinks slowly, “I have been told my bedside manner needs work, on occasion.“He continues, indicating the direction of the toilets, “what about Uddin?”
FinancesThe standard money card issued to an F-class has a limit of ʄ5,000 (after consideration, I’m slightly modifying my rules on the Economics page.People have higher limits for all sorts of reasons, especially those that travel. ...
FinancesI updated some missing info in Starr’s Spreadsheet of Spending.Question: Where is that big swag of cash? In a bank account? Several money cards? One Money Card? When Melody paid him on GRRAS, we...
The train is speeding through the countryside by the time their meals arrive. The food is better than just a meal pack, but not by a great amount. There is no engine...
They are asked to tag in at the ticket booth and Chris and Fromm’s IDs are linked with Oliver’s ticket.Chris laughs at Oliver’s discomfort.The ticket seller says, “anywhere in Car 2,” and hands them...
It’s currently GG06 on 211.380. According to the departure board the train is scheduled to arrive at Snow Lake in Blue Shift at BB02.Chris says, “Serviced sounds good.”Fromm says coolly, “I don’t mind Serviced...
A taxi can be ordered through the Vizant in the foyer.It arrives and takes them to the Central Transit Station where they purchase tickets for the equatorial train and are lucky enough that it...
Chris claps him on the back, “Don’t worry about it. I did a job once where I forgot to bring the bags to carry the stuff away. Had to wheel it home on top...
I appreciate that Oliver basically lives out of his backpack, but Fromm and Chris have an armload of weapons and gear and not much else.Fromm says, “I think I’ll go and pack first, and we...