“Actually, my only plan was to catch up with you. After this, I’m not sure, and yes. I’m not used to having a lot of free time.“When I was out of work it nearly...
“I understand the grief and desire for revenge, but the callous blanket approach for everyone…“There’s no precision in it, and it shows an abuse of power that’s common doctrine for the Legion.”She glances around,...
GURPS MechanicsI do find it interesting that GURPS as written doesn’t have a generic social interaction skill. By description, the closest is Diplomacy, but that’s really “I want to convince someone of something or...
“I get that; anything that can push a starship and I’m your woman.“I think we must be going somewhere, otherwise there’s no need to keep me around. As for Vizier F’s plans, I really...
She gives him a friendly smiles in return, “Well, now we know what it takes to get you excited. I’ll be sure and secure all the computers on the ship.”She frowns.“Assuming we are going...
InventionI have already made some rolls for Oliver’s current project, but I’ll note those. The rules come from the Basic Set. You may remember while in N-space at Witnish he spoke with Erin about the...