Category: Module 05: Lying in the GRRAS


5-063: Legion Cast – Medical Centre

Medical Console – Oliver’s FileOliver can see the below information on the console.Special Recruitment Selection Process – Secret Eyes Only [Menu]Candidate:  Oliver Starr, F-203471-TZ-MLE-77-001-AAssessor:  UOF Felicity Lazar-Opes, G-203417-WZ-MMA-01-003-FMedical Officer:  OOF Michael Kundarovsky, H-193704-ZZ-SPD-01-012-W  ** LOGGED IN**Section...

5-061: Legion Cast

She rises to her feet.“Very well, time for your medical then.”She leads Oliver out of the room and down a corridor to a large dormitory-style room with a number of open-fronted cubicles.  It’s some...