H-204: Captree, Platters on The Esplanade
Observations Lia’s assessment is that she’s unlikely to be dining with Raina, at least for now. However in the process of checking out the environment she notes that there is casual interest across the...
The RPG of Dominion Space…
Observations Lia’s assessment is that she’s unlikely to be dining with Raina, at least for now. However in the process of checking out the environment she notes that there is casual interest across the...
Her assessment is that Raina and Cinna seem comfortable in each other’s company, enough that the slight dig about Cinna’s drink preference was taken in genuine good humour and delivered without an edge, but...
“I know people smuggling exists out here, and sometimes in large numbers, but I haven’t had reason to investigate it closely so I don’t know what is likely to have happened at the other...
The wine is, as promised, young and fresh – complexly flavoured for a rosé, very tasty if she’s into that sort of thing; this would be a reasonably expensive wine. Raina says, “I’d offer...
“It does, doesn’t it.” She gestures to the carafe of wine on the table, “refill, and a toast to our new arrangement?” If Lia accepts the offer Raina will pour Lia’s drink herself into...
Raina seems to be responding positively to Lia’s apparent enthusiasm, however, she gives little away. In response to Lia’s agreement, however, she smiles. (It occurred to me that cinematically that would be a...
Marissa pauses, looking thoughtful, “you’re right. I should examine my assumptions. “assuming your ‘quarry’ has emigrated/defected then yes, they’re likely entitled to the official protection of the Separatist government. However, if they’ve infiltrated Separatist...
Platters on the Esplanade Raina is silent, allowing Lia’s paraphrasing response to hang there while she studies Lia’s face. “Want to help me achieve an outcome?”
arcology (noun): a city intended to be contained in a single structure Dominion Administrative Regions Administratively, the Dominion is organised into a hierarchy, as follows: The Dominion as a whole could be considered...
The other one is normal – people visiting Separatist space typically depart from the Dominion Colony of Newerth and arrive at the Separatist world of Gateway, though the Dominion takes a dim view of...