Dominion Space


H-279: Little Isle Manor House

As she enters a few people are chatting and holding drinks near the water feature statue.  Most activity inside seems to be in the function room, though there’s movement in the Atrium at the...


H-277: Little Isle Manor House, Pool

Clyde Clyde looks thoughtful at her comment, and I think it might be about now that the Brady conversation starts.     Brady Clyde exchanges her look in return, though his expression is neutral,...


H-275: Little Isle Manor House, Pool

Clyde “Well, I assume you’re familiar with the publishing laws, no more than 49 copies of a document without a publishing license.  Well, for legal purposes a musical composition is a document, which means...


H-273: Little Isle Manor House, Pool

Music Clyde plays a few different stringed instruments – basically the Dominion’s versions of 6- and 12-string guitars, and he sings.  He also likes to write songs, but mostly for his own enjoyment. He...