Dominion Space
H-461: Little Isle Manor House, Upper Lounge
Raina narrows her eyes at Lia, “I’ve considered that possibility, but I think it might be more like a binary explosive.” Lia will recognise this allusion from her chemistry training – Raina is referring...
H-460: Little Isle Manor House, Upper Lounge
Upper Lounge It’s difficult to say if Raina noted her reaction. Raina does respond to Lia’s comment and allows a beat before responding; Lia may be just about to move on when she says...
H-459: Little Isle Manor House, Upper Lounge
Timey-wimey terms Apparently, that is the terminology… Upper Lounge “Most of my work involves meetings and messages. Very occasionally I actually practice law, and every now and then things need my … personal...
K-014: Independent Transporter Welcome Wagon, Chief Steward’s Office (Nonoop System, near the Nav Buoy)
Channing says, “so, I’m ‘encouraged’ to exchange Dominion Money for Standards at 1 Money to 10 Standards. I’ll pay 2 extra standards on the Money for coins and 5 for Unauthorised cards if you...
H-458: Little Isle Manor House, Upper Lounge
Timey-wimey terms fyi, The rough equivalent of ‘a couple of hours’ is a Job. (Like, how long will it take you to go do this Job? – About 2½ hours. How long will it...
K-013: Independent Transporter Welcome Wagon (Nonoop System, near the Nav Buoy)
I love the bunk rationale, have a Star! “As I said, we’re pretty empty right now, but there’s always a chance we could get full and I have to put someone in...
H-457: Little Isle Manor House, Upper Lounge
Raina gives Lia what might be a simultaneous frown and a smile with her eyes. “While I might enjoy you rescheduling, no go do what you need to do.” She turns to Angela, “Angela,...
H-456: Little Isle Manor House, Upper Lounge
Not particularly convenient. It would only be less convenient one time in six. On a scale of 0 to 10 for inconvenience, that’s nearly a 7. Will you stick with the original response, or...
H-455: Little Isle Manor House, Upper Lounge
I am going to let you decide how convenient Lia’s schedule is. If you don’t want to pick, roll 3d6 – the lower the result the more convenient her immediate work requirements. Or, Lia...