System Data

System Name: Finlayson
Use Classification: Dominion Way Station
Distance from Zargonia: 24.20 ly
System Age: 1.53 TCy
Settlement Age: 33.48 kCy
Stars in system: 2
Co-ordinates: +3.42, +5.50, +23.27


Primary Star

Name: Vuta
Spectral Class: F6V
Mass: 1.4 std
Radius: 1.58 std
Safe Jump: 1.47 AU
Effective Temperature: 6457 °K
Luminosity: 3.93 std
Circumbinary Planets: No
System Evolution Type: Epistellar Gas Giant
No. of Orbits: 10

Orbital Data

ID Distance Derived Name World type Settlement Atmosphere Hydrographics Climate Diameter Gravity Orbital Period Eccentricity Axial Tilt Tidal Locking Siderial Rotation RVM Habitability Score Affinity Score
1 0.17AU Vuta 1 Tiny (Rock) None 0% Infernal (-190 to 945°C, M=639°C) 0.70std 0.54G 1.3Cy 0.20 30.0° to Star 1.3Cy Poor -2 -3
2 0.33AU Vuta 2 Tiny (Rock) None 0% Infernal (-213 to 620°C, M=388°C) 0.13std 0.10G 9.4Cy 0.20 0.0° to Star 9.4Cy Poor -2 -3
3 0.63AU Vuta 3 Tiny (Rock) None 0% Infernal (-227 to 336°C, M=207°C) 0.11std 0.09G 65.2Cy 0.10 4.0° to Star 65.2Cy Poor -2 -3
4 1.19AU Vuta 4 Asteroid Belt Very Poor 0 -2
5 2.26AU Vuta 5 Asteroid Belt Average 0 0
6 4.30AU Vuta 6 Tiny (Rock) None 0% Frozen (-99 to -80°C) 0.29std 0.27G 20,742.8Cy 0.10 2.0° No 1.0Cy Average -2 -2
7 8.16AU Vuta 7 Empty Orbit
8 15.51AU Vuta 8 Medium Gas Giant 9.73std 1.85G 973,414.0Cy 0.15 40.0° No 0.3Cy
8.01 1.00x Vuta 8 Moon 1 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.1Cy 0.30 to Planet
8.02 1.00x Vuta 8 Moon 2 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.1Cy 0.15 to Planet
8.03 1.00x Vuta 8 Moon 3 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.1Cy 0.15 to Planet
8.04 1.15x Vuta 8 Moon 4 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.15 to Planet
8.05 1.40x Vuta 8 Moon 5 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.05 to Planet
8.06 1.40x Vuta 8 Moon 6 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.15 to Planet
8.07 7.55x Finlayson Small (Ice) moon Main World Very Thin – 0.16atm (Suffocating, Mildly Toxic) 55% Frozen (-182 to -167°C) 0.04std 0.03G 2.8Cy 0.20 36.0° Resonant 4.2Cy Average -1 -1
8.08 9.55x Vuta 8 Moon 8 Tiny (Ice) moon None 0% Frozen (-193 to -180°C) 0.01std 0.01G 4.0Cy 0.30 12.0° Resonant 6.0Cy Average -2 -2
8.09 31.10x Vuta 8 Moon 9 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.04G 23.4Cy 0.10 No
8.10 49.30x Vuta 8 Moon 10 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.04G 46.7Cy 0.40 No
8.11 67.35x Vuta 8 Moon 11 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.04G 74.6Cy 0.15 No
8.12 80.20x Vuta 8 Moon 12 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.03G 96.9Cy 0.15 No
8.13 98.55x Vuta 8 Moon 13 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.05G 132.0Cy 0.10 No
8.14 114.60x Vuta 8 Moon 14 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.04G 165.5Cy 0.40 No
8.15 136.30x Vuta 8 Moon 15 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.04G 214.7Cy 0.15 No
8.16 144.70x Vuta 8 Moon 16 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.04G 234.8Cy 0.10 No
9 29.47AU Vuta 9 Medium Gas Giant 10.56std 2.32G 6,677,326.3Cy 0.10 40.0° No -0.5Cy
9.01 1.60x Vuta 9 Moon 1 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.3Cy 0.15 to Planet
9.02 1.70x Vuta 9 Moon 2 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.02G 0.3Cy 0.10 to Planet
9.03 1.95x Vuta 9 Moon 3 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.3Cy 0.30 to Planet
9.04 2.05x Vuta 9 Moon 4 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.4Cy 0.10 to Planet
9.05 2.20x Vuta 9 Moon 5 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.4Cy 0.10 to Planet
9.06 2.35x Vuta 9 Moon 6 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.02G 0.5Cy 0.40 to Planet
9.07 11.60x Vuta 9 Moon 7 Tiny (Ice) moon None 0% Frozen (-214 to -208°C) 0.06std 0.03G 5.0Cy 0.20 4.0° to Planet 5.0Cy Average -2 -2
9.08 29.90x Vuta 9 Moon 8 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.03G 20.5Cy 0.10 No
9.09 39.05x Vuta 9 Moon 9 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.03G 30.6Cy 0.05 No
9.10 51.45x Vuta 9 Moon 10 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.03G 46.3Cy 0.10 No
9.11 77.65x Vuta 9 Moon 11 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.03G 85.8Cy 0.50 No
9.12 100.50x Vuta 9 Moon 12 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.03G 126.3Cy 0.15 No
9.13 126.15x Vuta 9 Moon 13 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.03G 177.6Cy 0.15 No
9.14 144.20x Vuta 9 Moon 14 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.03G 217.1Cy 0.10 No
9.15 156.45x Vuta 9 Moon 15 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.03G 245.3Cy 0.50 No
9.16 171.65x Vuta 9 Moon 16 Moonlet None 0% 0.05std 0.02G 281.9Cy 0.10 No
10 56.00AU Vuta 10 Forbidden Orbit 0.15


Inhabited World Data

ID Derived Name World type Settlement MMWR RVM Habitability Score Affinity Score Carry Cap TL6 Carry Cap TL7 Carry Cap TL9 Population Per Capita Income Typical Wealth Level Economic Volume
8.07 Finlayson Small (Ice) moon Main World 1615 Average -1 -1 0 5,895 11,790 5,600 13,400 Struggling 75,040,000

Companion Star 1

Name: Vuta B
Spectral Class: G0V
Mass: 1.15 std
Radius: 1.26 std
Safe Jump: 1.17 AU
Effective Temperature: 6069 °K
Luminosity: 1.93 std
Companion Star 1 Distance: 141.3 AU
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.1
Minimum Distance: 127.17 AU
Maximum Distance: 155.43 AU
Orbital Period: 372863 Cycles
Circumbinary Planets: No
System Evolution Type: Epistellar Gas Giant
No. of Orbits: 9

Orbital Data

ID Distance Derived Name World type Settlement Atmosphere Hydrographics Climate Diameter Gravity Orbital Period Eccentricity Axial Tilt Tidal Locking Siderial Rotation RVM Habitability Score Affinity Score
1 0.27AU Vuta B 1 Small (Rock) None 0% Infernal (-220 to 593°C, M=333°C) 0.14std 0.12G 6.3Cy 0.30 22.0° to Star 6.3Cy Poor -2 -3
2 0.51AU Vuta B 2 Tiny (Rock) None 0% Infernal (131 to 223°C) 0.11std 0.08G 42.1Cy 0.20 20.0° Resonant 63.2Cy Average -2 -2
3 0.97AU Vuta B 3 Empty Orbit
4 1.85AU Vuta B 4 Small Gas Giant 2.88std 1.21G 2,011.0Cy 0.10 18.0° No -0.6Cy
4.01 1.65x Vuta B 4 Moon 1 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.03G 0.2Cy 0.40 to Planet
4.02 1.85x Vuta B 4 Moon 2 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.03G 0.2Cy 0.10 to Planet
4.03 2.00x Vuta B 4 Moon 3 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.03G 0.3Cy 0.20 to Planet
4.04 7.20x Vuta B 4 Moon 4 Standard (Ocean) moon Very Thin – 0.22atm (Suffocating, Mildly Toxic) 73% (H²O) Very Cold (-38 to -13°C) 0.23std 0.21G 1.8Cy 0.40 2.0° Resonant 2.6Cy Scant 1 -2
4.05 9.20x Vuta B 4 Moon 5 Tiny (Rock) moon None 0% Frozen (-51 to -27°C) 0.01std 0.01G 2.5Cy 0.10 24.0° to Planet 2.5Cy Average -2 -2
4.06 50.40x Vuta B 4 Moon 6 Moonlet None 0% 0.05std 0.04G 32.5Cy 0.05 No
4.07 64.25x Vuta B 4 Moon 7 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.05G 46.7Cy 0.10 No
4.08 85.50x Vuta B 4 Moon 8 Moonlet None 0% 0.05std 0.04G 71.7Cy 0.15 No
4.09 99.50x Vuta B 4 Moon 9 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.04G 90.1Cy 0.15 No
4.10 128.75x Vuta B 4 Moon 10 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.05G 132.5Cy 0.10 No
4.11 155.20x Vuta B 4 Moon 11 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.06G 175.4Cy 0.20 No
5 3.52AU Vuta B 5 Empty Orbit
6 6.68AU Vuta B 6 Small Gas Giant 7.18std 1.22G 94,672.0Cy 0.40 12.0° No 0.7Cy
6.01 1.45x Vuta B 6 Moon 1 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.05 to Planet
6.02 1.55x Vuta B 6 Moon 2 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.3Cy 0.10 to Planet
6.03 1.70x Vuta B 6 Moon 3 Moonlet None 0% 0.05std 0.01G 0.3Cy 0.20 to Planet
6.04 1.70x Vuta B 6 Moon 4 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.3Cy 0.10 to Planet
6.05 9.25x Vuta B 6 Moon 5 Small (Ice) moon Potential Main World Very Thin – 0.47atm (Suffocating, Mildly Toxic) 41% Frozen (-165 to -107°C) 0.07std 0.05G 4.0Cy 0.20 48.0° to Planet 4.0Cy Average -1 -1
6.06 31.35x Vuta B 6 Moon 6 Moonlet None 0% 0.05std 0.04G 25.0Cy 0.20 No
6.07 47.05x Vuta B 6 Moon 7 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.05G 46.0Cy 0.10 No
6.08 64.65x Vuta B 6 Moon 8 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.05G 74.1Cy 0.10 No
6.09 86.30x Vuta B 6 Moon 9 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.05G 114.3Cy 0.10 No
6.10 102.70x Vuta B 6 Moon 10 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.05G 148.4Cy 0.10 No
7 12.70AU Vuta B 7 Medium Gas Giant (R) 9.98std 1.90G 650,584.3Cy 0.15 24.0° No 0.5Cy
7.01 1.15x Vuta B 7 Moon 1 Moonlet None 0% 0.05std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.10 to Planet
7.02 1.20x Vuta B 7 Moon 2 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.10 to Planet
7.03 1.40x Vuta B 7 Moon 3 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.15 to Planet
7.04 1.45x Vuta B 7 Moon 4 Moonlet None 0% 0.05std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.30 to Planet
7.05 1.60x Vuta B 7 Moon 5 Moonlet None 0% 0.05std 0.01G 0.3Cy 0.50 to Planet
7.06 1.65x Vuta B 7 Moon 6 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.3Cy 0.05 to Planet
7.07 1.65x Vuta B 7 Moon 7 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.3Cy 0.20 to Planet
7.08 1.65x Vuta B 7 Moon 8 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.3Cy 0.15 to Planet
7.09 1.90x Vuta B 7 Moon 9 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.4Cy 0.10 to Planet
7.10 1.90x Vuta B 7 Moon 10 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.4Cy 0.15 to Planet
7.11 6.50x Vuta B 7 Moon 11 Small (Ice) moon Very Thin – 0.28atm (Suffocating, Mildly Toxic) 61% Frozen (-185 to -170°C) 0.06std 0.03G 2.2Cy 0.30 50.0° to Planet 2.2Cy Average -1 -1
7.12 9.50x Vuta B 7 Moon 12 Tiny (Ice) moon None 0% Frozen (-199 to -187°C) 0.01std 0.01G 3.9Cy 0.15 28.0° to Planet 3.9Cy Average -2 -2
7.13 10.50x Vuta B 7 Moon 13 Tiny (Ice) moon None 0% Frozen (-199 to -187°C) 0.32std 0.02G 4.6Cy 0.05 12.0° to Planet 4.6Cy Scant -2 -5
7.14 43.95x Vuta B 7 Moon 14 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.00G 39.3Cy 0.20 No
7.15 66.20x Vuta B 7 Moon 15 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.00G 72.7Cy 0.10 No
7.16 74.40x Vuta B 7 Moon 16 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.00G 86.6Cy 0.10 No
7.17 85.35x Vuta B 7 Moon 17 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.00G 106.4Cy 0.80 No
7.18 106.25x Vuta B 7 Moon 18 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.00G 147.7Cy 0.10 No
7.19 130.00x Vuta B 7 Moon 19 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.00G 199.9Cy 0.05 No
7.20 159.30x Vuta B 7 Moon 20 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.00G 271.2Cy 0.40 No
7.21 184.70x Vuta B 7 Moon 21 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.00G 338.6Cy 0.10 No
8 24.13AU Vuta B 8 Small Gas Giant (R!) 5.85std 1.11G 4,462,357.4Cy 0.50 10.0° No 0.7Cy
8.01 1.00x Vuta B 8 Moon 1 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.1Cy 0.05 to Planet
8.02 1.15x Vuta B 8 Moon 2 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.30 to Planet
8.03 1.30x Vuta B 8 Moon 3 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.10 to Planet
8.04 1.35x Vuta B 8 Moon 4 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.10 to Planet
8.05 1.35x Vuta B 8 Moon 5 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.30 to Planet
8.06 1.35x Vuta B 8 Moon 6 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.15 to Planet
8.07 1.55x Vuta B 8 Moon 7 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.3Cy 0.10 to Planet
8.08 1.80x Vuta B 8 Moon 8 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.3Cy 0.15 to Planet
8.09 1.95x Vuta B 8 Moon 9 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.01G 0.4Cy 0.20 to Planet
8.10 2.05x Vuta B 8 Moon 10 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.4Cy 0.15 to Planet
8.11 2.25x Vuta B 8 Moon 11 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.01G 0.5Cy 0.15 to Planet
8.12 2.35x Vuta B 8 Moon 12 Moonlet None 0% 0.05std 0.01G 0.5Cy 0.10 to Planet
8.13 11.65x Vuta B 8 Moon 13 Tiny (Ice) moon None 0% Frozen (-226 to -192°C) 0.59std 0.03G 5.4Cy 0.05 12.0° to Planet 5.4Cy Average -2 -2
8.14 12.65x Vuta B 8 Moon 14 Tiny (Ice) moon None 0% Frozen (-226 to -192°C) 0.01std 0.01G 6.1Cy 0.15 48.0° to Planet 6.1Cy Average -2 -2
8.15 19.50x Vuta B 8 Moon 15 Small (Hadean) moon None 0% Frozen (-237 to -210°C) 0.06std 0.03G 11.6Cy 0.05 4.0° No -0.5Cy Average -2 -2
8.16 24.60x Vuta B 8 Moon 16 Standard (Hadean) moon None 0% Frozen (-237 to -210°C) 0.72std 0.07G 16.5Cy 0.10 34.0° No 0.3Cy Abundant -2 -1
8.17 31.85x Vuta B 8 Moon 17 Tiny (Ice) moon None 0% Frozen (-226 to -192°C) 0.09std 0.06G 24.2Cy 0.10 10.0° No 0.5Cy Scant -2 -5
8.18 55.55x Vuta B 8 Moon 18 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.04G 55.9Cy 0.15 No
8.19 75.00x Vuta B 8 Moon 19 Moonlet None 0% 0.05std 0.03G 87.6Cy 0.05 No
8.20 100.60x Vuta B 8 Moon 20 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.03G 136.1Cy 0.50 No
8.21 106.95x Vuta B 8 Moon 21 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.05G 149.2Cy 0.10 No
8.22 117.50x Vuta B 8 Moon 22 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.05G 171.8Cy 0.05 No
8.23 133.65x Vuta B 8 Moon 23 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.04G 208.4Cy 0.10 No
8.24 140.50x Vuta B 8 Moon 24 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.05G 224.7Cy 0.20 No
8.25 146.40x Vuta B 8 Moon 25 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.04G 239.0Cy 0.15 No
8.26 170.65x Vuta B 8 Moon 26 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.04G 300.7Cy 0.15 No
8.27 176.40x Vuta B 8 Moon 27 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.04G 316.0Cy 0.15 No
9 45.84AU Vuta B 9 Small Gas Giant 3.22std 1.35G 30,593,291.9Cy 0.15 26.0° No 0.6Cy
9.01 1.30x Vuta B 9 Moon 1 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.03G 0.1Cy 0.15 to Planet
9.02 1.35x Vuta B 9 Moon 2 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.03G 0.1Cy 0.50 to Planet
9.03 1.60x Vuta B 9 Moon 3 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.02G 0.2Cy 0.20 to Planet
9.04 7.35x Vuta B 9 Moon 4 Small (Hadean) moon None 0% Frozen (-243 to -238°C) 0.01std 0.00G 1.8Cy 0.10 0.0° to Planet 1.8Cy Poor -2 -3
9.05 8.35x Vuta B 9 Moon 5 Tiny (Ice) moon Potential Outpost None 0% Frozen (-234 to -228°C) 0.18std 0.08G 2.2Cy 0.40 26.0° to Planet 2.2Cy Average -2 -2
9.06 11.35x Vuta B 9 Moon 6 Tiny (Ice) moon None 0% Frozen (-234 to -228°C) 0.16std 0.09G 3.5Cy 0.10 34.0° to Planet 3.5Cy Poor -2 -3
9.07 13.35x Vuta B 9 Moon 7 Small (Hadean) moon Potential Outpost None 0% Frozen (-243 to -238°C) 0.02std 0.01G 4.4Cy 0.70 0.0° Resonant 6.6Cy Abundant -2 -1
9.08 16.15x Vuta B 9 Moon 8 Small (Hadean) moon None 0% Frozen (-243 to -238°C) 0.03std 0.02G 5.9Cy 0.10 26.0° to Planet 5.9Cy Average -2 -2
9.09 28.55x Vuta B 9 Moon 9 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.04G 13.8Cy 0.15 No
9.10 52.30x Vuta B 9 Moon 10 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.04G 34.3Cy 0.20 No
9.11 71.85x Vuta B 9 Moon 11 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.05G 55.3Cy 0.10 No
9.12 90.30x Vuta B 9 Moon 12 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.04G 77.9Cy 0.05 No
9.13 100.60x Vuta B 9 Moon 13 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.05G 91.5Cy 0.10 No
9.14 113.70x Vuta B 9 Moon 14 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.04G 110.0Cy 0.15 No


Inhabited World Data



NB1: Planetary radii in AU, Moon radii in multiples of planetary diameter. NB2: Marginal atmosphere in [square brackets]. NB3: Temperatures for worlds are blackbody corrected at aphelion and perihelion; local climate effects may vary these in practice. Temperatures for worlds tidally locked to the star are shown at antistellar point at aphelion, the stellar point at perihelion and, the mean. (R) = Visible ring system. (R!) = Spectacular visible ring system. (H²O) = Liquid water hydrographics.

Jump 6 Map
