




Foofor is a restricted system at the edge of the Dominion Sphere in Octant 7.

The second planet is an ammonia world.  Spanial encountered Yarg ships there.


Foofor 2

The brown-orange coloured planet is visible through the windows. From this angle the day-night terminator is visible and lightning storms can be seen sparking across the night side.

Ipan is speaking, “…there’s a lot of radio interference coming off the planet from the storms, but I should still be able to pick up a response.”

This is an Ammonia world.  They’re relatively rare, and tend to be found only around dim red stars as brighter stars tend to throw off too much UV light and break down the ammonia in the atmosphere.  Otherwise, they’re occasionally found as moons of gas giants far from the star.  The brown-orange colour of the planet is due to the ammonia clouds in the atmosphere.  There’s probably a healthy dose of methane there too, with seas of ammonia and possibly even some water below, and any oxygen will be bound up with hydrogen as liquid water. 
The ammonia in the atmosphere of these worlds tends to leech a lot of metals from the crust and can form complex chemical compounds that tend to form layers in both atmosphere and sea, as a result, such worlds can be very electrically active as electric potentials form between layers and then discharge.



The surface of this planet will be uninhabitable for humans.  There is no oxygen in the atmosphere, some gases may be corrosive and the temperature will be about -100°C.  There may be land, or the entire surface could be covered with an ocean of ammonia – you’d need to task Spanial’s sensors to a planetary survey to answer that.  That said, those environmental extremes are within what can be accommodated by Spanial’s vacc suits. 

 System Data

System Name: Foofor
Use Classification: Dominion Sphere
Distance from Zargonia: 48.20 ly
System Age: 1.80 TCy
Stars in system: 2
Co-ordinates: -28.62, +0.75, +38.80

Primary Star

Name: Foofor
Spectral Class: M0V
Mass: 0.47 std
Radius: 0.5 std
Safe Jump: 0.46 AU
Effective Temperature: 3800 °K
Luminosity: 0.05 std
Circumbinary Planets: No
System Evolution Type: No Gas Giant
No. of Orbits: 8


Orbital Data

ID Distance Derived Name World type Settlement Atmosphere Hydrographics Climate Diameter Gravity Orbital Period Eccentricity Axial Tilt Tidal Locking Siderial Rotation RVM Habitability Score Affinity Score
1 0.31AU Foofor 1 Small (Rock) Trace 0% Frozen (-60 to -26°C, M=-49°C) 0.39std 0.35G 23.2Cy 0.15 28.0° to Star 23.2Cy Average -2 -2
2 0.55AU Foofor 2 Standard (Ammonia) Suspected Yarg World Very Thin – 0.41atm (Suffocating, Corrosive, Lethally Toxic) 63% Frozen (-106 to -69°C) 0.52std 0.36G 129.3Cy 0.20 18.0° No 129.3Cy Very Poor -2 -4
3 0.99AU Foofor 3 Asteroid Belt Average 0 0
4 1.78AU Foofor Tiny (Ice) Potential Main World None 0% Frozen (-202 to -164°C, M=-190°C) 0.26std 0.10G 4,382.8Cy 0.40 48.0° to Star 4382.8Cy Average -2 -2
4.01 2.20x Foofor 4 Moon 1 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.02G 0.3Cy 0.10 to Planet
4.02 2.30x Foofor 4 Moon 2 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.03G 0.3Cy 0.30 to Planet
4.03 2.70x Foofor 4 Moon 3 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.03G 0.4Cy 0.15 to Planet
5 3.21AU Foofor 5 Small (Hadean) None 0% Frozen (-227 to -220°C) 0.28std 0.17G 25,704.4Cy 0.15 10.0° No 1.0Cy Scant -2 -5
6 5.77AU Foofor 6 Empty Orbit
7 10.39AU Foofor 7 Small (Hadean) Potential Outpost None 0% Frozen (-248 to -243°C) 0.19std 0.13G 871,643.7Cy 0.20 20.0° No -0.9Cy Average -2 -2
8 18.71AU Foofor 8 Empty Orbit


Inhabited World Data



NB1: Planetary radii in AU, Moon radii in multiples of planetary diameter.

NB2: Marginal atmosphere in [square brackets].

NB3: Temperatures for worlds are blackbody corrected at aphelion and perihelion; local climate effects may vary these in practice. Temperatures for worlds tidally locked to the star are shown at antistellar point at aphelion, the stellar point at perihelion and, the mean.

(R) = Visible ring system.

(R!) = Spectacular visible ring system.

(H²O) = Liquid water hydrographics.


Companion Star 1

Name: Foofor B
Spectral Class: M3V
Mass: 0.32 std
Radius: 0.35 std
Safe Jump: 0.33 AU
Effective Temperature: 3400 °K
Luminosity: 0.01 std
Companion Star 1 Distance: 119.62 AU
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.4
Minimum Distance: 71.77 AU
Maximum Distance: 167.47 AU
Orbital Period: 406261 Cycles
Circumbinary Planets: No
System Evolution Type: No Gas Giant
No. of Orbits: 10


Orbital Data

ID Distance Derived Name World type Settlement Atmosphere Hydrographics Climate Diameter Gravity Orbital Period Eccentricity Axial Tilt Tidal Locking Siderial Rotation RVM Habitability Score Affinity Score
1 0.33AU Foofor B 1 Empty Orbit
2 0.50AU Foofor B 2 Standard (Ice) Very Thin – 0.44atm (Suffocating, Mildly Toxic) 0% Frozen (-147 to -133°C) 0.37std 0.37G 142.7Cy 0.10 12.0° No 142.7Cy Average -1 -1
3 0.75AU Foofor B 3 Small (Ice) Very Dense – 1.87atm (Suffocating, Mildly Toxic) 36% Frozen (-177 to -161°C) 0.31std 0.22G 481.5Cy 0.15 28.0° No 481.5Cy Very Poor -1 -3
4 1.12AU Foofor B 4 Standard (Ice) Very Thin – 0.36atm (Suffocating) 0% Frozen (-191 to -182°C) 0.33std 0.34G 1,603.6Cy 0.10 12.0° No 0.9Cy Average 0 0
5 1.68AU Foofor B 5 Asteroid Belt Poor 0 -1
6 2.52AU Foofor B 6 Standard (Hadean) None 0% Frozen (-238 to -234°C, M=-232°C) 0.35std 0.18G 18,265.9Cy 0.10 28.0° to Star 18265.9Cy Average -2 -2
6.01 1.95x Foofor B 6 Moon 1 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.03G 0.0Cy 0.10 to Planet
6.02 2.35x Foofor B 6 Moon 2 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.03G 0.0Cy 0.20 to Planet
6.03 2.55x Foofor B 6 Moon 3 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.03G 0.0Cy 0.30 to Planet
7 3.78AU Foofor B 7 Small (Hadean) None 0% Frozen (-248 to -230°C) 0.23std 0.14G 61,647.5Cy 0.50 24.0° to Major Moon 61647.5Cy Average -2 -2
7.01 15.00x Foofor B 7 Moon 1 Tiny (Ice) moon None 0% Frozen (-241 to -218°C) 0.16std 0.09G 0.9Cy 0.10 90.0° to Planet 0.9Cy Average -2 -2
8 5.67AU Foofor B 8 Small (Hadean) None 0% Frozen (-250 to -247°C) 0.21std 0.13G 208,060.4Cy 0.10 10.0° No 1.1Cy Average -2 -2
9 8.50AU Foofor B 9 Large (Ice) Very Dense – 2.21atm (Suffocating, Highly Toxic) 0% Frozen (-248 to -223°C) 0.37std 0.38G 700,966.1Cy 0.60 38.0° No 0.9Cy Poor -1 -2
10 12.75AU Foofor B 10 Small (Hadean) None 0% Frozen (-258 to -255°C) 0.28std 0.09G 2,365,760.6Cy 0.15 30.0° No -1.1Cy Average -2 -2


Inhabited World Data



NB1: Planetary radii in AU, Moon radii in multiples of planetary diameter.

NB2: Marginal atmosphere in [square brackets].

NB3: Temperatures for worlds are blackbody corrected at aphelion and perihelion; local climate effects may vary these in practice. Temperatures for worlds tidally locked to the star are shown at antistellar point at aphelion, the stellar point at perihelion and, the mean.

(R) = Visible ring system.

(R!) = Spectacular visible ring system.

(H²O) = Liquid water hydrographics.