

Pristine is known for being a garden world which, although cold (mean surface temperature of -14°C), has a breathable atmosphere (1.1 atm at sea level and devoid of toxins), near-standard gravity (0.95G) high hydrographic cover (80%, although much is iced in) and a complex biosphere that supports large mammalian life.  Compared to many, if not most worlds, Pristine is very amenable to human habitation.  There are mining operations here, some tourism and Pristine is also known for its export of animal products, particularly leather goods, ivory and furs.  Hence the numerous hunting lodges dotted across the surface of the planet.  The tropical day (time for the main star to return to the same position in the sky for one rotation of the planet) is 0.736 of a Cycle. 


Docking Facilities

Pristine has a single Highport, which is a facility built into the moonlet (titled ‘Pure’) that orbits the planet.  Pure’s orbital radius is about 40,000 km.  The roughly spherical body is about 630 km across.  

There is a single major Downport located (like most Downports) near the equator.



Landings are serviced by a docking bus.  The bus seems to be operated by the Legion, despite bearing Administration Bureau livery.  As well as a black-uniformed driver there’s a pair of Legion Customs officers who check their tags and ship doco then sit back down in their ‘reserved’ seats.

The port-side bus depot is a draughty, cavernous area that opens onto the main building concourse.  A long, low structure for which the main building materials seems to be rough-hewn local granite and bricks.  Many of the walls don’t have internal finish and the inside looks the same as the outside, though judging by the thickness of the wall as one passes through the door, there’s an insulating layer to the outside.   

Pristine Down starport concourse is a surprisingly busy place for a small B-Colony world.  At the same time, the facilities are a bit basic, perhaps because of the comparatively habitable environment which is forgiving of things like a lack of pressure sealing.  The whole complex has a rough, partially-finished and rustic feel.  Heating in the building seems irregular and some areas are toasty warm and others quite chilly.   In the building there are typically many people milling about, both travellers and service workers, Legion members and the occasional low-level Bureaucracy member. 

The main concourse is a long space that looks more like a huge warehouse than a starport concourse.  Functional-looking lights hang down from the high ceiling on cables and the heating ductwork is exposed.  There are skylights in the roof that add to the illumination levels when the local star is up.  A collection of shops runs along the wall to the left coming from star-side and individual shops appear to have been constructed from non-structural materials inside the existing open space.  One outfitters has a slightly infamous sign out front

New to Pristine?  You’ll Need A Coat!

To the right are various facilities associated with travel – fresher facilities, baggage collection, public terminals, vehicle rental, a secured section for port staff only, etc.  Ahead, at the far end of the building is the ground-side travel terminal.  Unlike most ports with travel pods or trains, on Pristine the usual method of travel from the Downport to the city is a bus or cab ride (it’s possible aerostats are available.)  Outside, the transit depot is undercover and there are heating units near the concourse doors, but there are bus-sized openings through which freezing air blows.  The temperature is decidedly chilly and the place smells of ozone and brake pads.



The main settlement is Clement Basin, so named because it it sited in a geological depression and has a warm microclimate compared to much of the surrounding area.  Clement Basin is about 100km from the Downport via a well-made road.  The Downport is constructed atop a pleateau near the lip of the basin.

Clement Basin is the largest settlement on the planet by some orders of magnitude, though Pristine’s habitability lends itself to relatively low-tech exploration and so small communities and individual habitats (lodges) have sprung up in many places, mostly concentrated not far from the equatorial belt. Pristine’s economy is one of the more privatised in the Dominion, with many individuals making a living from small-scale hunting, farming or mining enterprises.

Note, in the mud-map below the Downport and Clement Basin are shown in close proximity.  In terms of travel time they are, being linked by a well-made road that permits high-speed travel.  The road from Clement Basin to the Mine is in reasonable condition, though unsealed for most of its length, and the other paths are tracks best suited to off-road vehicles.



Unusually, Pristine has been saturation-wired with a separate global voice-comms network.  It’s unusual on Pristine that one can ‘pick up the phone’ without going through the message net service.  


Black Gold

A significant oil deposit has recently been discovered on Pristine and is in the early stages of being utilised.


Mud Map of Some Local Locations



Pristine is Governed by a typical B-Colony structure comprising a Governor, Legion Commandant Councillor and Minor Vizier.


Location Pages

Link to top-level page for this planet’s locations.


System Data

System Name: Pristine
Use Classification: Dominion Colony B
Distance from Zargonia: 37.70 ly
System Age: 1.80 TCy
Settlement Age: 18.84 kCy
Stars in system: 1
Co-ordinates: -25.91, +20.66, -17.96


Primary Star

Name: Narchorp
Spectral Class: G5V
Mass: 1.08 std
Radius: 1.15 std
Safe Jump: 1.07 AU
Effective Temperature: 5888 °K
Luminosity: 1.43 std
Circumbinary Planets: NA
System Evolution Type: Eccentric Gas Giant
No. of Orbits: 10


Orbital Data

ID Distance Derived Name World type Settlement Atmosphere Hydrographics Climate Diameter Gravity Orbital Period Eccentricity Axial Tilt Tidal Locking Siderial Rotation RVM Habitability Score Affinity Score
1 0.29AU Narchorp 1 Empty Orbit
2 0.50AU Narchorp 2 Small Gas Giant 7.51std 1.28G 42.3Cy 0.15 14.0° No 0.8Cy
2.01 1.15x Narchorp 2 Moon 1 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.20 to Planet
2.02 1.30x Narchorp 2 Moon 2 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.10 to Planet
2.03 41.95x Narchorp 2 Moon 3 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 38.7Cy 0.05 No
2.04 55.55x Narchorp 2 Moon 4 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 59.0Cy 0.15 No
2.05 78.90x Narchorp 2 Moon 5 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 99.9Cy 0.15 No
2.06 94.20x Narchorp 2 Moon 6 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 130.4Cy 0.10 No
2.07 104.35x Narchorp 2 Moon 7 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 152.0Cy 0.20 No
2.08 123.10x Narchorp 2 Moon 8 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 194.8Cy 0.10 No
3 0.85AU Narchorp 3 Asteroid Belt Outpost Rich 0 3
4 1.45AU Pristine Standard (Garden) Main World Standard – 1.10atm 80% (H²O) Cold (-25 to 1°C) 1.05std 0.95G 1,031.0Cy 0.10 40.0° No 0.7Cy Average 7 7
4.01 3.25x Pure Moonlet None 0% 0.05std 0.03G 0.4Cy 0.50 to Planet
5 2.46AU Narchorp 5 Tiny (Rock) None 0% Frozen (-94 to -75°C) 0.14std 0.10G 5,034.7Cy 0.10 22.0° to Major Moon 5034.7Cy Average -2 -2
5.01 20.00x Narchorp 5 Moon 1 Tiny (Rock) moon None 0% Frozen (-94 to -75°C) 0.07std 0.06G 6.0Cy 0.30 16.0° to Planet 6.0Cy Poor -2 -3
6 4.19AU Narchorp 6 Asteroid Belt Outpost Abundant 0 1
7 7.12AU Narchorp 7 Small Gas Giant 7.07std 1.20G 122,069.3Cy 0.40 14.0° No -0.6Cy
7.01 1.70x Narchorp 7 Moon 1 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.3Cy 0.15 to Planet
7.02 1.85x Narchorp 7 Moon 2 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.4Cy 0.10 to Planet
7.03 2.05x Narchorp 7 Moon 3 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.4Cy 0.20 to Planet
7.04 14.55x Narchorp 7 Moon 4 Small (Ice) moon Very Thin – 0.26atm (Suffocating, Mildly Toxic) 13% Frozen (-178 to -127°C) 0.12std 0.04G 7.9Cy 0.15 22.0° Resonant 11.9Cy Average -1 -1
7.05 20.15x Narchorp 7 Moon 5 Tiny (Ice) moon None 0% Frozen (-190 to -147°C) 0.24std 0.13G 12.9Cy 0.10 28.0° No -0.5Cy Poor -2 -3
7.06 25.65x Narchorp 7 Moon 6 Tiny (Ice) moon Outpost None 0% Frozen (-190 to -147°C) 0.18std 0.10G 18.5Cy 0.10 40.0° No 0.7Cy Very Poor -2 -4
7.07 57.95x Narchorp 7 Moon 7 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.03G 62.9Cy 0.10 No
7.08 74.95x Narchorp 7 Moon 8 Moonlet None 0% 0.05std 0.03G 92.5Cy 0.50 No
7.09 92.60x Narchorp 7 Moon 9 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.03G 127.1Cy 0.20 No
7.10 105.85x Narchorp 7 Moon 10 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.04G 155.3Cy 0.15 No
7.11 128.75x Narchorp 7 Moon 11 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.03G 208.3Cy 0.05 No
7.12 146.35x Narchorp 7 Moon 12 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.04G 252.5Cy 0.15 No
7.13 157.15x Narchorp 7 Moon 13 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.04G 280.9Cy 0.20 No
7.14 169.60x Narchorp 7 Moon 14 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.04G 315.0Cy 0.30 No
7.15 191.65x Narchorp 7 Moon 15 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.04G 378.4Cy 0.20 No
7.16 220.05x Narchorp 7 Moon 16 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.04G 465.5Cy 0.20 No
7.17 244.85x Narchorp 7 Moon 17 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.03G 546.4Cy 0.15 No
8 12.10AU Narchorp 8 Small Gas Giant 5.90std 1.12G 599,132.1Cy 0.10 38.0° No -0.8Cy
8.01 1.40x Narchorp 8 Moon 1 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.20 to Planet
8.02 1.50x Narchorp 8 Moon 2 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.05 to Planet
8.03 1.75x Narchorp 8 Moon 3 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.3Cy 0.60 to Planet
8.04 17.90x Narchorp 8 Moon 4 Tiny (Sulfur) moon None 0% Frozen (-209 to -202°C) 0.16std 0.09G 10.2Cy 0.15 26.0° Resonant 15.3Cy Abundant -2 -1
8.05 23.70x Narchorp 8 Moon 5 Tiny (Ice) moon None 0% Frozen (-201 to -194°C) 0.01std 0.01G 15.6Cy 0.05 34.0° No -0.5Cy Abundant -2 -1
8.06 28.15x Narchorp 8 Moon 6 Small (Ice) moon Very Thin – 0.25atm (Suffocating, Mildly Toxic) 15% Frozen (-190 to -181°C) 0.05std 0.03G 20.1Cy 0.15 26.0° No -0.3Cy Poor -1 -2
8.07 35.40x Narchorp 8 Moon 7 Tiny (Ice) moon None 0% Frozen (-201 to -194°C) 0.07std 0.03G 28.4Cy 0.30 12.0° No 0.4Cy Poor -2 -3
8.08 54.10x Narchorp 8 Moon 8 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.03G 53.7Cy 0.05 No
8.09 69.30x Narchorp 8 Moon 9 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.03G 77.8Cy 0.15 No
8.10 87.65x Narchorp 8 Moon 10 Moonlet None 0% 0.05std 0.03G 110.7Cy 0.15 No
8.11 116.60x Narchorp 8 Moon 11 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.03G 169.8Cy 0.50 No
9 20.56AU Narchorp 9 Medium Gas Giant (R) 11.02std 2.64G 2,939,245.1Cy 0.50 20.0° No 0.4Cy
9.01 1.70x Narchorp 9 Moon 1 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.02G 0.3Cy 0.10 to Planet
9.02 1.95x Narchorp 9 Moon 2 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.3Cy 0.15 to Planet
9.03 2.20x Narchorp 9 Moon 3 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.02G 0.4Cy 0.20 to Planet
9.04 2.20x Narchorp 9 Moon 4 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.02G 0.4Cy 0.20 to Planet
9.05 2.40x Narchorp 9 Moon 5 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.4Cy 0.20 to Planet
9.06 2.55x Narchorp 9 Moon 6 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.5Cy 0.20 to Planet
9.07 2.65x Narchorp 9 Moon 7 Moonlet None 0% 0.05std 0.01G 0.5Cy 0.50 to Planet
9.08 2.70x Narchorp 9 Moon 8 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.02G 0.5Cy 0.30 to Planet
9.09 8.25x Narchorp 9 Moon 9 Tiny (Ice) moon None 0% Frozen (-226 to -192°C) 0.01std 0.01G 2.8Cy 0.50 26.0° to Planet 2.8Cy Average -2 -2
9.10 11.25x Narchorp 9 Moon 10 Tiny (Ice) moon None 0% Frozen (-226 to -192°C) 0.20std 0.09G 4.5Cy 0.20 28.0° to Planet 4.5Cy Very Poor -2 -4
9.11 13.25x Narchorp 9 Moon 11 Tiny (Ice) moon None 0% Frozen (-226 to -192°C) 0.23std 0.12G 5.8Cy 0.20 16.0° No 0.5Cy Average -2 -2
9.12 16.25x Narchorp 9 Moon 12 Small (Hadean) moon None 0% Frozen (-236 to -210°C) 0.01std 0.01G 7.9Cy 0.10 26.0° No -0.4Cy Average -2 -2
9.13 38.35x Narchorp 9 Moon 13 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.03G 28.5Cy 0.20 No
9.14 61.90x Narchorp 9 Moon 14 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.04G 58.5Cy 0.15 No
9.15 71.40x Narchorp 9 Moon 15 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.04G 72.4Cy 0.50 No
9.16 95.15x Narchorp 9 Moon 16 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.04G 111.4Cy 0.10 No
9.17 115.65x Narchorp 9 Moon 17 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.04G 149.3Cy 0.05 No
9.18 133.45x Narchorp 9 Moon 18 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.04G 185.0Cy 0.20 No
9.19 153.35x Narchorp 9 Moon 19 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.04G 227.9Cy 0.10 No
9.20 175.55x Narchorp 9 Moon 20 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.03G 279.2Cy 0.10 No
9.21 191.05x Narchorp 9 Moon 21 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.03G 317.0Cy 0.10 No
9.22 208.20x Narchorp 9 Moon 22 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.03G 360.6Cy 0.10 No
9.23 221.20x Narchorp 9 Moon 23 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.03G 394.9Cy 0.10 No
10 34.96AU Narchorp 10 Medium Gas Giant 10.08std 2.02G 14,450,429.0Cy 0.05 36.0° No 0.6Cy
10.01 1.25x Narchorp 10 Moon 1 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.20 to Planet
10.02 1.35x Narchorp 10 Moon 2 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.15 to Planet
10.03 1.45x Narchorp 10 Moon 3 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.2Cy 0.10 to Planet
10.04 1.45x Narchorp 10 Moon 4 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.02G 0.2Cy 0.20 to Planet
10.05 1.60x Narchorp 10 Moon 5 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.01G 0.3Cy 0.10 to Planet
10.06 1.65x Narchorp 10 Moon 6 Moonlet None 0% 0.05std 0.01G 0.3Cy 0.10 to Planet
10.07 6.90x Narchorp 10 Moon 7 Tiny (Sulfur) moon None 0% Frozen (-235 to -233°C) 0.12std 0.07G 2.4Cy 0.15 16.0° to Planet 2.4Cy Average -2 -2
10.08 8.90x Narchorp 10 Moon 8 Small (Hadean) moon None 0% Frozen (-240 to -238°C) 0.05std 0.02G 3.5Cy 0.15 34.0° Resonant 5.2Cy Average -2 -2
10.09 38.05x Narchorp 10 Moon 9 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.03G 30.9Cy 0.40 No
10.10 50.75x Narchorp 10 Moon 10 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.03G 47.5Cy 0.20 No
10.11 64.70x Narchorp 10 Moon 11 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.03G 68.4Cy 0.05 No
10.12 72.10x Narchorp 10 Moon 12 Moonlet None 0% 0.07std 0.03G 80.5Cy 0.10 No
10.13 98.20x Narchorp 10 Moon 13 Moonlet None 0% 0.08std 0.03G 127.9Cy 0.10 No
10.14 117.30x Narchorp 10 Moon 14 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.03G 167.0Cy 0.15 No
10.15 142.20x Narchorp 10 Moon 15 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.03G 223.0Cy 0.05 No
10.16 160.50x Narchorp 10 Moon 16 Moonlet None 0% 0.06std 0.03G 267.3Cy 0.80 No
10.17 181.05x Narchorp 10 Moon 17 Moonlet None 0% 0.05std 0.02G 320.3Cy 0.10 No


Inhabited World Data

ID Derived Name World type Settlement MMWR RVM Habitability Score Affinity Score Carry Cap TL6 Carry Cap TL7 Carry Cap TL9 Population Per Capita Income Typical Wealth Level Economic Volume
3 Narchorp 3 Asteroid Belt Outpost Rich 0 3 0 3,000,000,000 6,000,000,000 3,000 16,080 Struggling 48,240,000
4 Pristine Standard (Garden) Main World 4 Average 7 7 709,816,250 1,064,724,375 2,129,448,750 170,000 19,260 Average 3,274,200,000
6 Narchorp 6 Asteroid Belt Outpost Abundant 0 1 0 750,000,000 1,500,000,000 2,375 16,080 Struggling 38,190,000
7.06 Narchorp 7 Moon 6 Tiny (Ice) moon Outpost 108 Very Poor -2 -4 0 14,887 29,773 4,600 13,400 Struggling 61,640,000

NB1: Planetary radii in AU, Moon radii in multiples of planetary diameter.
NB2: Marginal atmosphere in [square brackets].
NB3: Temperatures for worlds are blackbody corrected at aphelion and perihelion; local climate effects may vary these in practice. Temperatures for worlds tidally locked to the star are shown at antistellar point at aphelion, the stellar point at perihelion and, the mean.
(R) = Visible ring system.
(R!) = Spectacular visible ring system.
(H²O) = Liquid water hydrographics.


Jump 6 Map
