Captree System


There are three inhabited worlds in the Captree system.  Captree, the mainworld, Prudence’ Preserve, an asteroid belt in the next outer orbit that has been claimed by the Overlords as an Overlordly Preserve for most of the Dominion’s history, and Beckinsale, a small ice planet in orbit#7. 


Captree Mainworld


Captree is the capital of Octant 3.  The Mainworld is Captree in orbit#3 – a Standard size world at the bottom end of its size category.  Technically Captree is a Standard (Ocean) world, but is unusual in that it has enough oxygen in its atmosphere to sustain life, due to a rare path of planetary evolution of significant levels of photohydrolysis in the upper atmosphere that cracked water molecules into component hydrogen and oxygen atoms, and in which the lighter hydrogen bled off into space, leaving high concentrations of oxygen.  Captree is unique among the Dominion’s colonised worlds in having a breathable oxygen atmosphere without a biosphere. 



Captree is noted as a water world with 93% of it’s surface covered by water.  Oft mistaken for a Garden world due to its oxygen atmosphere it is technically an Ocean world and it’s breathable atmosphere an ephemeral oddity in astronomical timescales- estimated to be gone in 5,000 kiloCycles or sooner.

Although very dense, with a large iron core and unusually strong magnetic field, Captree’s surface is metal-poor.  Consequently there is very little local industry and most advanced goods have to be imported.

Captree’s small size make for a local gravity of 0.58G.  Atmosphere is breathable without assistance, though the carbon dioxide concentration is high and caution is advised for areas of still air – monitors are recommended for certain areas.

Captree is a slow rotator, the tropical day (time for the main star to return to the same position in the sky for one rotation of the planet) is 2.11 Cycles.


Docking Facilities

Captree has a large artificial Highport (Captree Main Orbital), which is well-appointed and a few smaller facilites.

The main Downport located (like most Downports) near the equator on an island plateau named ‘Downport Island.’

A small Downport facility is also maintained at Antipodes.



Major settlements outside Downport Island include:

Cap Isle – the capital city, constructed upon a somewhat hilly island and located about 250km NW of the Downport.

Little Isle – a further 100 km West of Cap Isle

The Greater Archipelago – a long chain of islands about 200 km North of Cap Isle

The Lesser Archipelago – actually larger than the Greater Archipelago, the Lesser is a thinly settled strip of islands about 1,200 km South of Cap Isle

Northlight – a small city built on an ice-coated island near the Northern pole.

Antipodes – the site of Captree’s only mines, and most of its heavy industry (which is minuscule compared to most worlds), build on an ice-covered continental landmass near the Southern pole.  



Captree is the site of the Octant 3 secretariat.  Captree is governed by the secretariat in a mostly-typical structure for an Octant Capital, with a Governor-on-Council taking responsibility for most local decisions.  The secretariat includes Vizierate and Legion representatives as expected, plus an Overlordly Envoy as a permanent member, given the close proximity to the Separatists.


Location Pages

Link to top-level page for this planet’s locations.


System Data

System Name: Captree
Use Classification: Dominion Octant Capital
Distance from Zargonia: 37.40 ly
System Age: 0.95 TCy
Settlement Age: 243.37 kCy
Stars in system: 1
Co-ordinates: -27.08, +25.66, -2.91


Primary Star

Name: Ves
Spectral Class: G0V
Mass: 1.04 std
Radius: 1.1 std
Safe Jump: 1.02 AU
Effective Temperature: 6026 °K
Luminosity: 1.43 std
Circumbinary Planets: NA
System Evolution Type: No Gas Giant
No. of Orbits: 10



Orbital Data

ID Distance Derived Name World type Settlement Atmosphere Hydro-graphics Climate Diameter Gravity Orbital Period Eccentricity Axial Tilt Tidal Locking Siderial Rotation RVM Habit-ability Score Affinity Score
1 0.35AU Ves 1 Tiny (Rock) None 0% Infernal (193 to 265°C, M=224°C) 0.61std 0.21G 15.1Cy 0.15 6.0° to Star 15.1Cy Poor -2 -3
2 0.60AU Ves 2 Small (Rock) Trace 0% Infernal (71 to 148°C) 0.53std 0.48G 75.9Cy 0.20 16.0° No 75.9Cy Average -2 -2
3 1.01AU Captree Standard (Ocean) Main World Standard – 0.86 atm
(High O²)
93% (H²O) Normal (-28 to 101°C) 0.48std 0.58G 361.8Cy 0.40 12.0° No 361.8Cy Very Poor 7 5
4 1.72AU Prudence Preserve Asteroid Belt Outpost Abundant 0 1
5 2.93AU Ves 5 Empty Orbit
6 4.98AU Ves 6 Empty Orbit
7 8.47AU Beckinsale Small (Ice) Outpost Very Dense – 3.58atm (Suffocating, Mildly Toxic) 64% Frozen (-170 to -147°C) 0.32std 0.22G 213,406.2Cy 0.20 2.0° to Major Moon 213406.2Cy Average -1 -1
7.01 30.00x Ves 7 Moon 1 Tiny (Ice) moon None 0% Frozen (-191 to -173°C) 0.18std 0.09G 0.7Cy 0.15 36.0° to Planet 0.7Cy Average -2 -2
8 14.39AU Ves 8 Empty Orbit
9 24.47AU Ves 9 Tiny (Ice) None 0% Frozen (-222 to -219°C) 0.17std 0.10G 5,145,869.8Cy 0.05 30.0° No 1.3Cy Very Poor -2 -4
10 41.60AU Ves 10 Asteroid Belt Scant 0 -3



Inhabited World Data

ID Derived Name World type Settlement MMWR RVM


Affinity Score Carry Cap TL7 Carry Cap TL9 Population Per Capita Income Typical Wealth Level Economic Volume
3 Captree Standard (Ocean) Main World 18 Very Poor 7 5 103M
19,260 Average  1,552,530M
4 Prudence Preserve Asteroid Belt Outpost Abundant 0 1 750M 1,500M 212 16,080 Struggling 3.409M
7 Beckinsale Small (Ice) Outpost 24 Average -1 -1 2,512 5,024 7,500 4,488 Poor 33.661M

NB1: Planetary radii in AU, Moon radii in multiples of planetary diameter.
NB2: Marginal atmosphere in [square brackets].
NB3: Temperatures for worlds are blackbody corrected at aphelion and perihelion; local climate effects may vary these in practice. Temperatures for worlds tidally locked to the star are shown at antistellar point at aphelion, the stellar point at perihelion and, the mean.

(R) = Visible ring system;  (R!) = Spectacular visible ring system; (H²O) = Liquid water hydrographics.


System Map


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