
Way Station Graceton is the most connected of the Dominion’s settled star systems.  There are 24 settled systems and 5 disputed systems within Jump 6 range.
Graceton is a circumbinary system and Graceton itself orbits Norchiez, whereas the outer planets orbit the binary pair.  Norchiez B has no planets of its own.  With no Gas Giants, its Tiny main world the largest body in the system and moderately complex orbital dynamics, Graceton is an ironic choice as a transport hub.


System Data

System Name: Graceton
Use Classification: Dominion Way Station
Distance from Zargonia: 13.90 ly
System Age: 1.07 TCy
Settlement Age: 262.69 kCy
Stars in system: 2
Co-ordinates: -1.56, -10.34, -9.11


Primary Star

Name: Norchiez
Spectral Class: K7V
Mass: 0.59 std
Radius: 0.57 std
Safe Jump: 0.53 AU
Effective Temperature: 4100 °K
Luminosity: 0.08 std
Circumbinary Planets: Yes
System Evolution Type: No Gas Giant
No. of Orbits: 9


Orbital Data

ID Distance Derived Name World type Settlement Atmosphere Hydrographics Climate Diameter Gravity Orbital Period Eccentricity Axial Tilt Tidal Locking Siderial Rotation RVM Habitability Score Affinity Score
1 0.21AU Norchiez 1 Asteroid Belt Very Poor 0 -2
2 0.39AU Graceton Tiny (Rock) Main World None 0% Frozen (-70 to 3°C, M=-40°C) 0.28std 0.23G 36.7Cy 0.30 18.0° to Star 36.7Cy Abundant -2 -1
3 0.70AU Norchiez 3 Forbidden Orbit
4 1.25AU Norchiez 4 Forbidden Orbit
5 2.25AU Norchiez 5 Forbidden Orbit
6 4.06AU Norchiez 6 Forbidden Orbit
7 7.30AU Norchiez 7 Forbidden Orbit
8 13.15AU Norchiez 8 Tiny (Ice) Outpost None 0% Frozen (-240 to -236°C) 0.15std 0.08G 1,407,717.4Cy 0.10 50.0° No 1.2Cy Abundant -2 -1
9 23.66AU Norchiez 9 Asteroid Belt Abundant 0 1


Inhabited World Data

ID Derived Name World type Settlement MMWR RVM Habitability Score Affinity Score Carry Cap TL6 Carry Cap TL7 Carry Cap TL9 Population Per Capita Income Typical Wealth Level Economic Volume
2 Graceton Tiny (Rock) Main World 62 Abundant -2 -1 0 287,131 574,263 272,774 16,080 Struggling 4,386,205,920
8 Norchiez 8 Tiny (Ice) Outpost 57 Abundant -2 -1 0 86,907 173,815 380 8,957 Struggling 3,403,599


Companion Star 1

Name: Norchiez B
Spectral Class: M1V
Mass: 0.47 std
Radius: 0.45 std
Safe Jump: 0.42 AU
Effective Temperature: 3600 °K
Luminosity: 0.03 std
Companion Star 1 Distance: 2.48 AU
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.5
Minimum Distance: 1.24 AU
Maximum Distance: 3.71 AU
Orbital Period: 1372 Cycles
Circumbinary Planets: Yes, see Primary for orbital data.


Orbital Data



Inhabited World Data



NB1: Planetary radii in AU, Moon radii in multiples of planetary diameter.

NB2: Marginal atmosphere in [square brackets].

NB3: Temperatures for worlds are blackbody corrected at aphelion and perihelion; local climate effects may vary these in practice. Temperatures for worlds tidally locked to the star are shown at antistellar point at aphelion, the stellar point at perihelion and, the mean.

(R) = Visible ring system.

(R!) = Spectacular visible ring system.

(H²O) = Liquid water hydrographics.

Jump 6 Map
