The Yarg




A summary page for information about the Yarg.


Summary Information from Aliens and Neighbours Page

Methane breathers with whom the Dominion has an uneasy truce and frequent border skirmishes.  

They are mostly encountered at the borders of Octants 3 and 7.


Unclassified Information about the Yarg

There isn’t much information casually available to the public about the Yarg.  Lia knows:

  • They are ammonia-based life
  • They are sometimes referred to as methane-breathers
    • It’s actually more complex than that
  • Their gross physical anatomy is variously described as ‘jellyfish’ or ‘spider-like’ but there are no details
  • They possess sufficient technology to be capable of interstellar travel
  • They are considered potentially dangerous by the Dominion Legion Navy
    • Merchant ships are instructed that in the unlikely event they encounter a Yarg ship, to actively avoid all contact and report the encounter to the Legion Navy as soon as possible.  
    • Civilians are not permitted to make contact with the Yarg in any way.
  • Their ships are sometimes described as egg-shaped



Physical Appearance

Lia and Oliver have now both seen video of Yarg:

Imagine a dodecahedron, a d12, with heavily rounded corners.  Now stick on twelve silvery tentacles so that the root of each one neatly covers one of the twelve faces.  Make each tentacle about twice as long as the diameter of the dodecahedron.  Note that the silver tentacles shimmer with colours like mother-of-pearl.  Make the central mass about 3/4 a meter in diameter, so that, if it were fully extended with tentacles out, the Yarg would fill a sphere about 3.75m in diameter, though the one on the screen is much smaller than that, its tentacles being mostly bent and close to the centre.

Over each tentacle, put a metal ring, with several more of decreasing diameter along the tentacle length.  Join them up with a clear transparent film, like tough cling-wrap, so that the Yarg looks like it’s in a plastic bag confined by metal rings.  Fill the bag with clear liquid.  Now imagine a series of electrical arcs between the Yarg and the metal deck, the arcs lighting the scene with a hard blue-white light.  Attach to some of the metal rings various devices, at least one of which is some sort of weapon, and you have some idea of what is shown on the screen.  


External Physiology

Conclusions from an examination of Yarg skin are at A-041.


“Important intel…knowing that assault rifles don’t seem to do much against them.” 

 – Samuel Kort (F-202-Lia)



  • Yarg have been observed wearing environment suits (per description above)
    • A discussion about examination of part of a Yarg environment suit (A-220)
  • For personal weapons they used lethal TASERs
  • Their spacecraft were observed using short-range cannon
  • At least one Yarg was carrying a metal disc that was identified as a passive RF tag 


2 Responses

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    The Yarg are attracted to extremely cold environments/planets, yes? Or is that implied by the fact that they’re ammonia-based?

    • Overlord Frank says:

      As a general principle, temperature is one factor that attracts species to planets. The dominion tends to settle worlds that are close in temperature to human ranges, but prefers wolds that also have compatible chemistry, such as oxygen and free-standing water for humans. Which is not to say that it doesn’t also have settlements in very hot and very cold environments, because it does. Whether the Yarg feel the same way is an open question.

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