The Felline

Prrri Hxral, Felline Starship Mechanic



A summary page for information about the Felline.





Summary Information from Aliens and Neighbours Page

Cat-Monkey-like people that had reached TL 5 at first contact.  Somewhat assimilated into the Dominion.  Generally treated with respect and equality on their own world but often poorly outside it.  Their Enclave Home world is at the far edge of Octant 1.

The Felline originated in the rainforest/jungles of their own world, but have extensively colonised the largest continent.  Due to the race’s instinctive fear of water, it is only since contact with the Dominion that they have begun to put settlements on the other continents.

The Felline are Obligate Carnivores require certain amino acids in their diet.  On their home world they obtain these naturally from local foods, but off world they must take supplements or they sicken after a month or so.

Since integration into the Dominion all Felline are taught to read and speak some of the Dominion language.


Notable Physiology

  • Fur
  • Prehensile Tail
  • Sharp Teeth
  • Claws
  • No colour vision
  • Excellent low-light vision
  • Hearing above human frequency range
  • Obligate carnivores; has some dietary consequences for Felline living with humans
  • The Felline homeworld has much denser atmosphere than is standard for humans; Felline in human society tend to tire quickly at physical activity and may occasionally suffer altitude sickness


Felline Cultural Behaviours

Tactile Preferences

  • Felline seem to be moody with regard to touch, and that varies within and between individuals
  • In a nutshell, they welcome it enthusiastically except when they don’t
    • ‘don’t’ can occasionally be as abrupt as ‘do’ can be enthusiastic
  • Felline touch in greeting as humans do, less often on departure and also as cultural marker that seems to signify the start and end of recreational activities 
  • The Felline seem to have adopted the human idea of a hug, but it isn’t something they historically tended to do among themselves 
  • Among Felline touch includes
      • The Felline equivalent of a ‘fist bump’ with any combination of hands, feet or tail – this seems to be the equivalent of a handshake
      • Tails twined (Lia has only seen this once)
    • Face stroke, with back of hand or tail tip
    • Ear or neck scratch
    • Back scratch
    • Muzzle nuzzle (this seems to be among close friends?)
    • Licks (possibly restricted to family or sex partners?)


Group Activities

  • Felline don’t usually dine together, except as part of practical necessity or coincidence
  • They play together, in pairs to small groups
  • They enjoy communal sleep overs, where a group of two or more Felline will laze around together, chat, sing (which sounds dreadful to human ears), play intellectual games (word games, riddles, cards etc), and so on, and gradually fall asleep as a group



  • The Felline language has two ‘modes’, basically soft mode and loud mode
  • There are very different words for the same concepts in the two modes
  • Some concepts can only be expressed in one mode or the other
  • Soft mode is used conversationally and is what humans hear Felline using most of the time, it is a guttural, breathy, hissy sounding language
  • Loud mode can be very loud indeed, and sounds more like Tibetan throat singing while standing on a cat’s tail
  • The Soft Mode phrase roughly equivalent to ‘Hi!’, sounds like a child imitating a ray gun followed by someone trying to hack up some particularly juicy phlegm


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