4-045: Aboard Snark 416

Most of the crew depart shortly after the conversation.  Erin indicates she has a few things to do in Engineering first, then at BR01 she calls Oliver on comms to say she is departing.

He is alone on the ship until Erin returns at GG05 on the next Cycle (211.330).

She certainly sounds sober, and if he talks about leaving she says she is happy to cover the watches.

Does Oliver want to leave now?  If so, can you give me a general idea of what he wants to do and where he might want to go?  I’ll give a description of the station and surrounds next post.

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver will leave now and thank Erin for her assistance in watching the ship.
    He will be pretty straight forward with his work, he’ll try to find a place where he can acquire what he needs for his glasses, purchase items and perhaps a spare of anything that might be breakable/corruptible and then head back to the ship.
    He would also probably stop at a food court of some kind, perhaps and have some type of meal that’s beyond his standard fare on the ship.

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