4-021: Aboard Snark 416 – Oliver’s Cabin

What sort of things might Oliver do to work on the data blobs? 

If this is interesting to play, can you give me some more specific direction for his activities?  Otherwise I will just assume it’s something he’s working on in the background.  If so, I’d like an idea of what percentage of his time he’s spending on it vs other activities and a couple more dice rolls.

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver will try to take a sample of the encryption and either run it against a previous program he’s used or write a new one to start deciphering it.

    In any downtime/progress bar time, Oliver would like to get through the rest of those books. Then he’ll move on to the less encrypted stuff on the computer, if he can do that while the computer is deciphering the encryption.

    Oliver would also perhaps do some fiddling with the sensors while he’s on watch. (Perhaps to inspire his final point to upgrade.)

    So priority 1 – Breaking the Encryption with a program of some sort.

    Priority 2 – Notebooks

    Priority 3 – Other data on the computer

    Priority 4 – Sensor stuff

    He’ll stick to one thing at a time where applicable. So he’ll do one thing then move on to the next if there’s no more to do.

    10, 8, 16, 5 ,17 are 5 rolls I’ve done.

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