F-604: Crystal Coast Tour Aerostat
Aerostat Layout
The aerostat is designed as a tour vehicle not a mass commuter, so the seat layout is optimised for viewing not capacity.
I’m thinking they’re somewhere on the second row on the right hand side, so the second-bottom row in the layout diagram.
Based on your comments, Oliver’s on an aisle with Prrri between he and Lia.
Let’s say they’re in the middle section, with Oliver on the aisle closest to the rear/Galley end, if that’s OK. The seats in their row are on a slightly raised section to facilitate looking over the heads of the people in front.
Back in their seats
Prrri makes a low whining/growling sound in his throat.
Would one of you like to make a roll for him please?
I’ll let Lia roll for her crew.
I raced ahead when perhaps I should have waited. Have updated this post (in purple).
I rolled an 8.