3-238: Inside the Front Gate of Argyle’s Lodge IV
The turret swivels sideways points its barrel straight up, then slowly descends inside the gate post. A white dome closes over the top of the post. The Orange light changes to Green.
The turret is basically a modified Gyroc Launcher on a motorised mount with an attached sensor array. The stock has been removed and a control lead plugs in where the trigger assembly would normally be. Stored like this inside the gate post the ammunition clip is right in front of Oliver and easy to remove if he wishes to do so.
I will remove it and put it down beside the console.
With a 6 on my curiosity check, I will repeat for the next turret, if it allows me.
Then with another 6 on my lockpick, I will hopefully enter the turret, lower it and remove the ammunition, place it down similar to where I put the other one in this room and head back up to the lodge.