3-227: Back In the Foyer of Argyle’s Lodge XXVI
Dicard says, “the only information I have is the same as what he told all of us. I thought he was deliberately non-specific about what was in it. I think he assumed Argyle would know what he meant and hand it over for a large amount of cash.”
He pauses, “I would have.”
There’s no router in here, but anything with an optical line leading to it will do, just unplug the line from whatever and plug into the computer. The monitor where Chris is currently flicking past an image of the Aerostat with the remote has one, for example. There is also one leading into the damaged turret (probably also the undamaged one, but that’s back in the ceiling.) Each of the windows in here has one leading to a sensor similar to the ones in the Office, now that Oliver looks closely; the sensors are unobtrusive so are easy to miss at a casual glance. There is one leading to the button panel too, but it seems to have been firmly secured and can’t just be unplugged.
The lines in the Common Room are probably damaged, but the Entertainment room almost certainly has some, and it’s possible the Bedroom and the Garage do too.
Oliver will look over at the pile of boxes
“Good thing I enjoy reading, then. Moreso than I do being kept in the dark.” I’ll grab the computer, turn it on, pull the optical cable from the monitor Chris is using and plug it in to it. Do I have anyway to directly connect my laptop to the computer?
Even so, I may go check if I can change anything securitywise on the waste monitor now the computer is back on the system