F-231-Oliver: Spanial (N-Space to Mundo Zargo), Main Engineering

An Olivery Fashion

“That does complicate things, it seems to me you have two problems: 

“One, you’re looking for a data file, and you don’t know if it’s here or not. 

“Two, you think there’s something suspicious about these vid files, and that might be the same as problem one, or it might be a different problem.” 


Refusing Representation

“Xi am fammiliarr with that.  Thee Dominion has forrced my whole speciess to alignn with Dominionn principless.”

Gegar turns to Prrri, apparently surprised, “Wait, when did Argyle show you the vid file?”

“Xhe wass in thee Xcommonn Rrroom, late inn Rred Shifft.”

Prrri explains to Oliver, “Karrmenn does not like mee talking to ‘ssspecial’ passssengerrss.  Shee sayss Xi am too memorrrable, in case they xhave trrouble keeping theirr mouthss shutt.”

Answering Gregar hes says, “Xi went to Xcommonn Rrromm to get food.  Xarrgyle wass inn there.  Xi did not see xhim at firrst, xhe was lying on thee couch, drrrinking and drrrunk.  Said xhe could nott sleep, but xhe had a vid Xi might like, but warrned me it was censsorred.  Xhe invited mee to xjoin him, but ssaid it might take a momennt.  I connssumed my food while xhe worrked on hiss laptop, said xhe was crracking thee censsorrship block.   Then we watched it on the big scrrreen in thee Xcommon Rrroom.

“Xhe wass currious what thee Felline in the vid werre saying, annd wannted to know whatt Xi thought of itt.”


1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    An Olivery Fashion
    “Sounds like an accurate analysis. I just can’t help but feel this is important.”

    Refusing Representation
    “Hmm. He does seem to have an extensive love for films.” Oliver sighs. “Despite his other horrific personality traits I suppose we can’t add xenophobe to the list.”

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