3-192: In the Electronics Lab of Argyle’s Lodge

See, the dice are totally on my side…

Good play 🙂

Fortunately this room seems to be relatively safe; no turrets, no trip wires, no waiting ambushers or other nasties.

The cage doors slide easily, if a little noisily aside. 

In the innermost cage is a set of shelves with various electronic equipment and boxes of parts on it.  A work table is covered with various tools and equipment at one end, and a pair of what seems to be bulky hand-built hardware devices at the other, the two devices don’t seem to be connected to each other but each sports a short antenna and cables lead from them across to the desk.

On the desk is a stand-alone computer.  Its case is open and it looks like the data storage module has been removed.  It is connected via additional cables and hardware to the devices on the table, and to some equipment down the end as well.

Next to the computer is more electronic equipment, an exercise book and a mug half-full of cold coffee.



1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    I have made seven rolls in this order to be used as needed because there’s a lot I want to do. I may not need them all but what the hey.

    11, 12, 14, 12, 13, 6, 10

    First, last time I saw a computer case in this building I was lit on fire so I want to check for tripwires and traps to the best of my ability.

    Second I want to see if I can identify what the bulky devices are designed for.

    Third I want to see if there’s anything salvageable from that computer or of its in any running order. I predict without a hard drive that will be hard.

    I wish to identify any and all electronics that seem to be out of the ordinary.

    I want to check any and all books via a flip through for any handwritten notes. Particularly interested in the exercise book.

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