A Tough Cycle’s Darkness

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Filmed as a humorous mockumentary style musical, A Tough Cycle’s Darkness follows one cycle in the life of a popular musical act, The Darkness, as they prepare for and perform a concert.  Though their stage persona is displayed as somewhat rebellious and hedonistic, the behind the scenes shots portray them as a bunch of insecure nerds.  The first act introduces them as dealing with the trials of a publicity autograph signing, followed by some second act hijinks as they get lost, suffer a vehicle breakdown and a run in with the Legion that nearly sees them arrested, followed by the Legion escorting them to their gig where they arrive just in time to perform.  The third act is essentially a cut-down of their supposed concert followed by a denouement of the after-show where they mostly fail to make out with their groupies and head off to bed.

Argyle’s Review

Cheesy, cheesy, slapstick propaganda.  Your iconic music rebels are conformist and socially awkward.  But I must say, the cheese is so well done, this is a funny and eminently watchable stupid vid.  The music is a little heavier than I usually enjoy but even that is a good listen.