3-120: In the Garage at Argyle’s Hunting Lodge
Chris ambles over to check out the mobile lifter and Alan seems interested in the vehicles.
Dicard actually seems to be undertaking a useful search and gives you a +1 on the Scrounging roll you are about to make.
While you’re at it, you can roll Perception too.
Can you give me a better idea of what you’re hoping to do so I can better tailor any success?
Portable blowtorches, flares, another torch for myself, any loose sheeting that would be large enough to hide behind but not be too heavy to carry (maybe I can trick the optics of the turret). Perhaps some hints as to how the turrets work if I’m being hopeful.
I want gear that I think will help me get past more turrets, essentially.
7 on the first roll (scrounging I assume) and 16 on the second.