3-059: At the Front Door to Argyle’s Lodge IX

The survival kit does not contain a flare pistol, but there are six flares.

The extinguishers are dry chemical type: 

Small, multi-purpose dry chemical fire extinguisher. (TL9): A standard extinguisher bottle with a 10-second discharge and a three-yard range.  $50, 3 lbs. LC4. [UT87]

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    “Alright. If I light up the turrets, I need you to take one more go at them. Then you can take a break while we get Argyle… Sound okay?” I’ll grab three of the flares and leave the survival kit readily accessible in the aerostat.

    If Chris agrees, we’ll try a safer approach with a popup and I’ll use a flare to light up the room… I assume it’ll create a smoke but he should have several seconds. The smoke and fire may set off something else that’ll work in our favour too.

    If it’s all modern and smokeless the better. However that sounds inferior by design…

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