F-007-Oliver: Spanial (N-Space to Jump Point), Engineering

Based on Gregar’s questions and comments, Oliver assesses that Gregar has a basic competence computer programming.  Enough to understand what’s going on under the covers of software and can do some maintenance if there are issues with the ship’s computer.  He’s not an expert and is not claiming to be one and seems interested to learn from Oliver if he can.

Oliver and Gregar head to the Cargo Hold, and Gregar pressurises it and turns on the white lights.  They don Vacc Suits.  The hold is now roughly two-thirds full of identical bright yellow-and-red containers.  

Gregar cautions Oliver, “ship’s under thrust now.  Be careful.”

Lia has left a clear path through the containers to where the Hopper is parked near the bow doors.  However, because the ship is under thrust there is now 0.5G of gravity in here and Oliver and Gregar won’t be able to simply walk up the wall as he did last time, but will need to climb roughly 20m up the access ladder and scramble across to the adjacent Hopper, which is now effectively stuck to the side of the wall and parked nose-up.  

Give me a DX roll please, to see how well he negotiates the climb and Hopper access.

The installation of the software in the Hopper is actually pretty straightforward, and uses Oliver’s Computer Operations skill (which I believe is 17 not 15).  It would have been much harder for Gregar to have installed the cobbled-together version that the crew built than for Oliver to install the factory one.  Oliver checks and the installer seems to have run successfully with the config options he selected, not getting hung up on the presence of the non-standard version it was replacing.

Does Oliver wish to do or say anything further about the Hopper install with Gregar, while they’re about it?

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oof 12 vs 11 dor DX.

    Yes, computer ops is 17.

    If Gregar seems interested or lost he will talk him through the installation, otherwise he will save any conversation for seeing the system works.

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