E-310: Zarg’s World Downport, Circus Galacta

Refer E-309 for Oliver bits.


The Nggrrang plushie looks vaguely mouse/rat-like, but with big eyes and cute ears.  Make an IQ roll to see if Lia knows of them.

Some of the Spidon plushies are black with swirls of purple and green.  Lia would know that these colours are probably meant to represent the subtle colours that can be seen on the real creatures’ chitinous surfaces if the light is reflecting the right way.  The others are white and grey.  These colours are an analogue of real Spidons, some of which are nocturnal and some of which are camouflaged to hide in snow. 

The Zero-G Maze

Despite being a reserved and introverted sort, Gregar seems to enjoy the giggling and play.

Kort is never really ‘off’ or fully relaxed, but he seems to have a keen sense of the competitive and seems to be enjoying himself.

Oliver will have to reply for himself but based on previous comments, I’d say Lia will pick up that he’s not particularly at ease.   

2 Responses

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver looks like he’s trying to enjoy himself more than he’s enjoying himself. He’s the anti-social teenager who’s hanging out with friends because his mum told him to right now. But he wants to be a positive person to be around, he may not be coming off as overly genuine, but the effort is sincere.

  2. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    9 vs 13 for IQ.

    In terms of Spidons – what sort of experience/interaction would Lia have had with these creatures? Can humans interact with them? How large are they? Can they be pets, etc.

    Lia will challenge Kort to a physical challenge game of some sort. One they both have a shot at. She will do the same with Oliver but choose a puzzle type challenge of skill.

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