E-127-Lia: Zarg’s World Highport, Martell’s Neighbourhood
In the dim light of the steep-sided alcove she can see no movement, the roadway is more brightly lit with a sickly yellow light. Anyone at the end of the alcove would be silhouetted, but it is clear.
Stepping through the door she’s in a smallish space, almost like an airlock but with only a gap on her left where the inner door would be. The air here is still cold, but much less damp than outside. Martell steps through the gap into what was clearly once a loading dock, though it hasn’t seen use in a long time. There’s even a dusty delivery van reversed in and facing what is a solid vehicle-door. As Martell steps out of the small entry space the lights come up slowly to a comfortable level of illumination. He heads up a short set of stairs onto the raised part of the dock and toward a pair of double doors at the back of the space.
If you wish, roll Observation.
10 vs 13 for Observation