9-280: Pristine, Mine Site One
Transport Drone
Can you confirm that the ‘transport drone’ comment relates to Argyle’s IT Project #20? Or something else?
Give me an IQ roll for Oliver please.
Legion Assistance
Fromm says, “Over Officer Calley did say he’d assist.”
Alan says, “no he didn’t.”
The Map is Not The Territory
The Ops Manager opens the door to check the location with Cagnotti; he seems to be lighting up a cigarette while placing a comm call.
He flicks his eyes at everyone again and says it’s the rear viewing platform for Crusher #3.
She will lead them to the designated location.
Anything else from Oliver before they get there?
Yes, I may have misread that and the comment may be off.
“If Calley won’t assist us, he might assist Dicard, once he’s back in action.”
No, he’s happy to be lead there.