9-239: Pristine, Clement Basin, Legion Cast

Chris sits, sticking hi feet out. Fromm and Alan remain standing; it looks like Fromm is acually standing a little straighter than normal, which Oliver may not have though possible.

After a short wait, a Legionnaire arrives, asks them to tag through the door and along the corridor beyond.  They are led through a side door that opens onto a stair well and they go down some distance and along what is clearly a subterranean passage before being led into a utilitarian meeting room with metal furniture.

In the room are an Over Commander with the role badge of Chief of Operations and an Over Officer whose role indicates he is attached to a ground military unit, part of Pristine’s planetary defenses.

The Legionnaires exchange salutes.

The Over Commander says, “Vizant Starr, how can the Legion assist you today?”   

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    “Over Commander, we’ve been sent to inquire about any operations taking place at the Argyle/Jobethunt hunting lodge.”

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