9-190: Pristine, Travel to Clement Basin

Alan takes a break around dinner time, and after a conversation between he and Chris, Chris takes the controls for a Job and Alan dozes for a bit.

Alan takes over again for the final leg.

There’s some confusion coming into Clement Basin about the hospital location, but a sign is spotted and Alan drives the Crawler direct to what turns out to be the public medical centre. 

An emergency team emerges and takes Dicard inside, under Fromm’s direction.

What will Oliver do?

FYI, It’s RR10 on 211.417, it’s dark outside but will be daylight soon.

Make an entirely optional IQ roll.


1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Olivered rolled an entirely optional 8, which is a 9.

    Oliver will suggest a food run by someone, he won’t argue against getting it himself but if not elected will try to powernap in a waiting room, or the crawler. Wherever makes sense socially.for the group to be waiting.

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