9-166: Argyle’s Lodge, Common Room

Not unless there’s other fighting still going on.  If Oliver isn’t going to shoot, we’ll move back to narrative time (actually, even if he is going to shoot, we can handle it as a regular skill roll.)

What would Oliver like to do?

Oliver doesn’t actually have the First Aid skill, does he?   My mistake; he does (I thought he should based on his parent backstory that I do like!)

2 Responses

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver won’t shoot. He fails his PCShakes roll with an 8 v 6. Because he has -1 to everything its 9 v 6.
    He rolls 7 + 3 on the fright table and is stunned for 2 seconds.
    After those 2 seconds he makes his Will roll with a 5 and snaps out of it.
    He then either rolls 6 applying First Aid on Dicard if he has a kit, or he runs to go get it from the crawler, going via the stairway if he doesn’t.

    I believe that’s all correct

    • Oliver Starr says:

      Oliver didn’t have the First Aid skill, but I added it with XP as a “Should have this but couldnt afford it” thing after writing his parents.

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