8-573: Spanial, Control
Ipan sends the Scan display to everyone’s station.
Lia has barely sat down when a second dot appears next to the first.
He says, “Second contact, rising behind the first.”
Jennie says, “are they hailing us? Any comms chatter?”
Ipan says, “There’s lots of electrical static. It’s hard to tell whether it’s the ships or the electrical noise coming off the planet. There could be an encrypted signal hidden in there, but I don’t know for sure.”
Jennie studies the dots and the scan telemetry for a few seconds, glances behind at the Control door, licks her lips, then says, “Lia, sound emergency maneuvers please. Have everyone call in when they’re secure.”
Lia will get on the comms.
“Emergency procedures imminent – crew and passengers secure yourselves immediately. Call in when secure. Repeat: emergency procedures imminent!”
She will then strap herself into her station.