8-462: Shipwreck Cargo Hold

There’s a short delay while Karmen and Kort make their way towards Lia and Prrri.

In the interim Prrri studies the missiles and the loader.

Presently he waves toward the wall, “Xi thinnk thiss worrkstation iss built onn thee external xarxo doorrss, annd thiss xloaderr iss designed too worrk through them.”

When Karmen and Kort arrive they spend some time studying what Lia and Prrri have found.

Karmen summarises, “So, this ship was armed.”

Prrri says, “Some sorrt off xexterrnal launcher.”

Kort says, “Yellow means High Explosive, usually.”


3 Responses

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia is watching the others. She has no experience with this sort of thing.

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