8-459: Shipwreck Cargo Hold, Inner Airlock



The airlock has a viewing and cargo control section.  Similar to Spanial, it looks like a robot arm running on a track can be used to move cargo about. Also in here is a locker with a couple of vacc suits and cargo handling equipment, including some flares and a flare gun.

The hold is about 15m high, and the airlock viewing port is roughly in the middle, about half way up.

Above/forward numerous crates are stacked around the walls of the hold, with a gap in the middle that looks like there could be a cargo door up there – the angle and Prrri and Lia’s helmet lights being the only source of illumination make it difficult to be certain.

Across from the closed airlock door into the hold is a workstation with a jury-rigged look about it.  Strapped into the workstation is a figure in a vacc suit that at first glance seems to be staring out at the stars through a hole in the hull.  However, closer study in the beam of Lia’s light shows that the suit’s faceplate has been smashed by a large hunk of metal that is still lodged in it.

Near the workstation is a machine of some sort, a rack containing several cylinders and some variation on cargo loading equipment that Lia is unfamiliar with.  


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia’s gaze is drawn to the crates and then arrested by the floating body.

    After a moment, she opens the general comm.

    “Another body in here. Also a bunch of crates and other stuff.”

    She will make her way reluctantly to the body.

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